Is it NightX?
You shooting Marl next then?
Good good
I actually agree. I voted marl and I suspect others did too. The fact that he wasn’t elected means he probably isn’t commoner
Makes sense
Are you allowed to change like that?
If so, just a question
Why Marl over night?
Marl is bishop
Probally am just I lied to you about the last game
Your campaign promise was to murder bishop
So if you think Marl is Bishop, you must slay him.
And if he isn’t we try again!
If he’s witch plz don’t be witch
I shall vote for Fire no matter what
no idea, he didnt ask to convert me
Vote Sam17z for chief.
I’m not Bishop, nor am I a witch
I voted for you
We know who Marl is not voting today. The early game in this game is slow, we should put days to 36 hours and nights to 36 as well.
If you promise to keep me alive, I know who the actual Bishop is
Are you the second clergy?
No, but they whispered me asking if I wanted to be anointed