Church Vs Coven: game over; everyone BUT maximus wins!

My statement stands! Anyway, who are you gonna kill Burrito?

@gingerbeardgentleman when whispering, can we have a pseudo group conversation? (As long as it includes you?)

Or can whispers only be 1 on 1?


Whispers can be to a group as well as to an individual.

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Someone anoint me as the mana farm class who gives it.

Even if not me the first class the Bishop should choose is the one which gets more mana as he can give it to bishop and allow him to spam convert.

Also I bet pkr is a witch burrito should shoot him

Actions can’t be taken any more than once per round by each person.

Including annointing.

Extra mana allows you to take different actions.

If nobody votes at all, do we get no chief or do we get a random chief?

Random chief.

Since the game didn’t end… @Firelitten who’d you curse? Me?

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PKRs the witch trust

You’re wrong.
I can guarantee it isn’t me

I cursed myself for not cursing

uh huuuuh.
you totally goddamn cursed me didn’t you?



Don’t admit it lol

He actually wouldn’t know.

@gingerbeardgentleman what happens when 2 witches bloodthrist the same person?

Does anyone want to claim something besides commoner?