Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

@Prophylaxis Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2632 by Vulgard

Marl, I donā€™t think Wazza is a wolf. If you could quote posts where you have cased her or explain your scumread on her then that would be appreciated.

Iā€™ll take a look at that Vulg post.

Oh, I thought I had. The main initial reason would be how she was taking early control of the thread and causing general chaos, which sheā€™s well-known to do as wolf. Later she fake claimed to save herself, which isnā€™t towny in general. Then after yesterday, looking at how she was the CW to a V flip and her wagon having seemed mostly pure, I think thereā€™s enough there to say sheā€™s probably wolf.

BTW, I was thinking. You know, given the push back Iā€™m receiving about claiming, Iā€™m starting to wonder about how Marshal approached even bringing up my night action.

I would think V!Marshal of all people would be more cautious about revealing something related to another personā€™s role if anti-claim is such a big deal. So why didnā€™t she just say something like ā€œWhysper, I got something from you last night. Anything to say about it now? You donā€™t have to give details yet if you arenā€™t ready to claim.ā€ But no, instead she told exactly the details of what she received and asked me to explain it, which basically requires me to reveal my role. Thatā€™s kind of wolfy.

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half of it is me sheeping aliceā€™s read from the overnight chat

i also think her responses here are more or less identical to when she was NK in the last FOL game

iā€™m feeling the same thing then that i do now

itā€™s hard to describeze

is galena an outed alt?

Prophy, donā€™t try and defend me, Iā€™m a lost cause for the Town and no matter if I die today or any other time, if I survive the night Iā€™m put in an endless defending myself situation. I donā€™t want that nor can be bothered with that.

I hate how people say I took control of the thread when I didnā€™t, I just posted a lot and I didnā€™t CFD to Shurian at all, that was Aliceā€™s doing, none of mine and being a ā€œCW to a V flipā€ doesnā€™t mean a thing and is bad reasoning to scumread a person. And claiming my wagon is pure is just listening to what others said, even though I think Luxy is Town, thereā€™s no way you think that him doing a 180 on his read on me with no latter communication is pure.

Galena is Aliceā€™s friend from a different site.

did she say who

idk, I just got that from SIgnups thread

I specifically said ā€œmostly pureā€ because yeah, Luxy is questionable to me.

I find it odd that youā€™ve just agreed with everything the thread has said about the push on me, despite the fact I can tell a lack of you actually reading the thread from your posts. Why is that? Do you not have an opinion of your own or have you just sheeped what the thread said?

Donā€™t we have a night sheriff?

How can you say that Iā€™m sheeping what the thread says and also say Iā€™m not reading the thread?

I am basing this off the bits Iā€™ve read here and there.

Quote some posts from her and tell me why you think Wazza is a wolf because of those posts.

How do you think village Wazza approaches this game as opposed to wolf Wazza?

Do you think counterwagons to villager flips are likely to contain wolves? Have you found that wagon purity is a reliable way to ensure that the player who is being wagonned going to flip wolf?

You are very contradictory there. You are trying to suggest Iā€™ve read enough to pick up where the thread is heading but not read enough to figure out how I feel about you.

Thatā€™s the point. You arenā€™t reading the thread, youā€™ve got it from scum chat. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying.

(also feel free to take some time with my inquiries, I know Iā€™m asking for quite a bit)

just want to understand your mindset because I think Wazzaā€™s a villager and I think some wolves are pushing on her because itā€™s easy

Prophy, why do you keep insisting on me being Town, like what, obviously I am but whatā€™s the point in doing so?

okay i know this is becoming a meme
but is it possible galena is katze