Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

how mad do you think min would be if i added prophy to the king chat instead of them

Mostly gut shrug

Their posts near eod hit me the wrong way and it seemed like most of peopleā€™s reads on them were ā€œehhh thought they were v earlier?ā€

i donā€™t think you should do that, more confident on min being town

wait really?

Like what
literally what posts

yes really

My reasons are because I got pissy??? I didnā€™t genuinely scumread them until after the got pissy

I said GUT Arctic

no, you scumread them for no reasons and then you pushed them on their completely understandable reaction to being pushed for no reason

My scumread wasnā€™t before they got pissy itā€™s how they reacted when I pressured them

someone still needs to have posts for you to scumread them via gut

Did you read my post???

Itā€™s literally just ā€œthis person feels off to meā€

what posts felt off

I donā€™t know off the top of my head dude

because your read is fake

you had no reason to suspect galena until after you already voted them

this is exactly how i caught min in upick when they scumread me for stuff after they voted me


I didnā€™t even scumread them before it was just my brain saying ā€œThis person feels kinda weird maybe we should look at them a bitā€

the fact you canā€™t even point out which posts made you fee that way kind of proves the read was fake and entirely made for the purposes of posturing around eod

I literally say my reasoning at eod