Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

idk if i can even be given it lol, but yes i am still here after today

If my info isnā€™t falsified then why would Wazza appear red here?
Maybe a framer? Thatā€™s possible. And Wazza would be likeā€¦ such an obvious frame target.
Plus Leafia is the kinda player that just believes the feedback they get.

Which is really fucky considering the fact this is a game with bastard / experimental mechanics.

almost like we outed that Leafia would check me :heart_eyes:

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what if they are mafia :flushed:

He isnā€™t lying about it, and he is correct that this setup is designed for 25 human players.

I will explain everything soon.

We can try?


well Iā€™d like you to be quick with the explanation tbh

Tbh i donā€™t really care much for talking about the wazza redcheck, there is no explanation for how they couldnā€™t have healed wind lol

Then Iā€™m fucking pocketed. But no, like, Iā€™m genuinely confident in W!Town because I do usually strongly read Wazza in games, itā€™s just what I do. Iā€™m not voting her.

Tbf the last umineko did have a framer

But also ā€œit can be a framerā€ is really hard to prove

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W!Town seems contradictory. But I meant to say Wazza!T

Roleblock and donā€™t try and be like ā€œwolves wouldnā€™t roleblock youā€, my ā€œOh Iā€™m RB immune for N1 and N2ā€ was so obviously a lie as I slipped up so many times and had to correct myself.

apart from that, it could just be a rolestopper that bypasses RB immunity but Iā€™m not actually RB immune anyway

oh fuck PKR slipped me scum

you would know better than to lie a second time about your role after you were almost killed the first time

no I donā€™t lmao

Anyway I must consume dinner with family so byeeeeee

I remember that one time I claimed Town Neapolitan as Town, throwback

Arctic why does W!Wazza claim healer when we have a poisoned townie, if they cannot heal?

Would they really be so desperate for that 1 extra night in your eyes, that they would bus a teammate and also claim such a role which would be ā€˜outted immediately tomorrowā€™?

Go through the logic step by step.

Gonna have to wait a bit sadly for reasons.

Just operate under the assumption that part about PKRā€™s mechanical information is true, at least.