Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Wait what

The hero can’t just up and leave :sob:

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Guillotina Rue, Aelin, Luxy, Marluxion, min 5/9
Wazza Zerokito, EliThePsycho, Guillotina 3/9
Not voting Atlas, Hippolytus, Liattac, Amelia, PokemonKidRyan, sulit, Whysper, Wazza 8

im willing to kill you over this post

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also the fact that your claimed role is quite obviously bullshit but we dont have to get into that right now if you dont want to

Wazza is almost certainly scum based on how she withdrew her rb-immunity thing, never mind the redcheck

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pretty sure both wazza and guillo are scum which puts us in a better spot than yesterday at least

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guillotina/rue is an easy 1-for-1 as its not a conventional redcheck, although for posterity’s sake someone should make sure that the “sensor” thing Rue claimed is accurate

also, just being logical, i know i am green and i dont quite remember the people on the pigeon wagon but 4 wolves seems like absolute bullshit lmao

Nevermind the fact a wagon sensor existing in itself is bullshit

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also dont forget you have the cat alt

so out of these we have - rue, who is probably green, atlas, who is greenchecked, zero, who did the greencheck and is bleeding town, wind, who is flipped town, me, and guillotina themselves

so that leaves Arctic, Wazza, sulit, and min as four “non-town”

youll see how that works in a bit

anyone have any questions about my undeniably bad-fucking-ass exit and entrance?


sucks to suck then doesnt it

But also I’m too lazy to ask them

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I understand what happened now

So PKR’s result N2 was truthful, that doesn’t make him Town, it just means he didn’t lie.


I mean yes I do understand what happened because imo its pretty obvious but

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