Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

i dunno
@Liattac u there?

is it taking you this long to log in

oh ye of little faith

i already know how it works
i’m the one who gave it to you

shut the heckze up

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wait i can use it to farm likes
this is perfect

liattac, you’re making me look like a :de:bag…

“Hi, pleased to meet you! I am Furudo Erika, the detective!! I may be an uninvited guest, but please, welcome me!!”

“I am the visitor, the 18th human on Rokkenjima!!”

“Even if you do join us-“

“There are 17 people.”

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Anyways, this is Proph.

Got booted off from my main account onto this one.

you can’t trick us

big surprise
big yay

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oh ok ;-;

id do many things
willingly be called by male pronouns again is not one of them

okay then
if that’s Prophy, I want proof.

sucks to suck then shrug

nah it ain’t hard
just get Prophy to give all their reads.

no spoiler pls

that doesnt exactly work because i could just copy n paste them from his iso

then do it.