Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

I can effectively clear myself via my claim, which I am not going to do now.

So who is the one town in that group?

Minus myself

thinking marl, but if wazza flips town then
well, that answers that


I hope to be posting this in the mainchat for yā€™all to read rather than in the deadchat for yā€™all to laugh at because I trusted Texas when I shouldnā€™t have.

I hope Texas lived through the night. If he did, maybe weā€™ll be able to settle the IBA thing today.

I was about to call the IBA thing ā€œbullshitā€ there, but I stopped and caught myself.


This game is stressful as fuck beyond stressful. Letā€™s just get that out of the way up front. Marl giving up, CCCā€™s sitting there calmly accepting that thereā€™s no way theyā€™re not getting lynched, Grapefruitā€™s hating everything, Iā€™m panicking and flailing.

And that means Iā€™m part of the problem.

Panicking and flailing because of deadline pressure is not a thing I want to do. Nor is calling people ā€œgoddamn idiots.ā€ Nor is evoking this kind of response from the entire thread:

#511, from sulit: ā€œā€¦feels like opportunistic Litten mislynch all over again.ā€

#684, from marshal: ā€œI donā€™t understand such an visceral reaction to me justā€¦posting.ā€

#831, from sulit: ā€œ[her] stances come from a place of willful ignorance and itā€™s pretty wolfyā€

#845, from Lux: ā€œā€¦ that post was obviously tongue-in-cheek. Where have I played badly? I donā€™t understand this- seems to entail you know my reads are wrong.ā€

ā€œI know Iā€™m town, and have trouble believing someone can actually take so much issue with what Iā€™ve done so far.ā€

#865, from Phoenix: ā€œEvenstar why do you hate funā€

#943, from Rhea: ā€œIā€™m having a hard time responding to this because the question honestly feels loaded. Youā€™re doing this thing where you point to actions and say that they are scummy without doing the actual work and breaking down what constitutes wolfy behaviour within what Iā€™ve done.ā€

#1112, from Amelia: ā€œHer attacks on me were badā€¦ā€

#1222, from Rhea: ā€œHer attacks on me were bad and scummyā€¦ā€

And last, but certainly not least: #799, from Artic.
This is really a great defense and worth reproducing in full, and itā€™s a good 50% of why Iā€™m committing to real change here. Wazza, thank you. You didnā€™t need to do this for me, especially not when I was attacking you, but you did anyway. Hereā€™s the relevant section of the post:



This is my PoE basically. Think if we just plow through all these names we will probably win.

And Wazza flipping town is a bad look for Marl in and of itself according to Liattac

yeah it is, for level 1 reasons

in the hood they were also seemingly trying to egg me on to killing wazza today before guillo, but this is because they think wazza is kp so itā€™s not a horrible suggestion

lol @ arctic and I basically posting the same list minus guillo

though I do feel like the game is kinda being boxed in for wolves, assuming all of our info is correct

thing is i donā€™t think we have more than 2 MLā€™s, but your list includes whysper so thatā€™s 3 MLs which might be losing

Ideally we get another clear in your list, thereā€™s plenty of time for that anyway

plus luxy claims self resolving

Whysper is probably just town Iā€™d leave them alone, alongside myself and probably Marl

I think Guill ā€”> Waz ā€”-> Hippo is a game winning lynch order


just not really willing to accept the whole ā€œici said X in my role cardā€ thing as gospel

so if whysper is town and luxy is self resolving

that means the solve is pkr + eli + hippo + 1 of marl/wazza, probably?

hippo just kinda feels like town tho idk

yeah not lock on whysper being town just think itā€™s likely

I mean Hippo basically TMIā€™d something

what, town kp killing nightingale?


And you know what? Heā€™s right.

Heā€™s goddamn right.

I am used to games where I am the loudest, most screamingest presence in the thread. I am used to games where Iā€™m in control of the town and I get a big fat say in where the wagons go. I am used to being able to win off presence rather than skill, because people crack when I yell at them rather than being able to actually defend themselves.

Like, Nictics can out-presence me. Whysper can out-presence me. I know there are players out there who are better at this than me. But I have never, ever been in a thread where I was actually one of the least-contributing posters.

And I hate that. I hate that a fucking lot very much.

So what do I do? I try to compensate. I try to kick it into like a billionth gear, because Iā€™m Not Being Loud Enough. I donā€™t want to cooperate with my fellow townies now that theyā€™re actually on my level; I want to win the god damn game all by myself.

Thatā€™s not how to play mafia. Not if you want to win, and certainly not if you want to have fun. My stress levels have honestly been through the roof because of this game; itā€™s literally the most intense mafia experience I have ever had. The second most intense mafia experience I have ever had was the last time. Yeah. Iā€™m used to week-long dayphases. This is more than a little bit culture-shocky for me, even after sulit giving me some idea of what tournament games are like.

Spoiler alert: I do, in fact, fake emotions in my games. I do it regardless of whether Iā€™m town or scum, because pressure is easy and voting is hard. Making someone crack is just straight-up less difficult than actually scumhunting.

Donā€™t get me wrong, my arguments have some real depth to them. But back on SV, someone like @Aelin or @Liattac when confronted with an annoyed Star, would quickly back down. (I try not to challenge Nictis like that.)

Here, those habits are fucking me over. I try to get Wazza to stop talking about something, and I fill like four pages with it. I try to get myself to stop shitposting; alright, I can claim some success there, but in the process Iā€™ve majorly pissed off someone I ought to be working with closely as a proper ally. (Yes, I townread the cheese guy now. Iā€™ve had a lot of time to think about this read overnight, and I just donā€™t see how they can be scum given #2273, #2168, -

Ah fuck.

Perspective slip in #2144.

thatā€™s not really a fair assessment, i think it was pretty likely because she was scumread by quite a few people and for it to come from a wolf wolves would have way too much kp

I felt like Night was tr enough to be a wolf kill