Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

How to win as town

Step 1: willage for all of day 1 and day 2

Step 2: all strong wolves replace out

Step 3: ???

Step 4: win

I have no idea why the wolves conceded

Literally none

I wanna keep the Liattac account.

It was worse than that tbh since Rue was immune to anticlaim outright due to their role.

Which is bad I agree.

But Rue would have survived anyway since Wazza jailkept them.

@Chloe u won

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:clap: rEPLACEMENTS :clap: ARE :clap: TOWNSIDED :clap:

The fact that 2 wolves were basically guaranteed to die and I’d have to solo.
Plus our anticlaim failed the one night when we needed it


Anyways didney worl mafia begins

The gates of hell will be opening soon

I will see you all shortly

game wasn’t winnable for wolves with the amount of clears realistically


I actually had a correct read


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Sulit and proph deserve a medal for his game

They got cyberbullied this entire game

I don’t mind either way, even if ownership of it is kinda murky.

You can talk to others who possessed it, I guess?

i had some correct reads and some incorrect reads but i was right where it mattered

u can have it lol

notably these slots yeah

but i’m happy i was able to re-eval out of killing both

Ehhh, don’t think anyone had it worse than Wazza.

The amount of times people just dunked on her was unreal.


Thing is that wolves weren’t really doing much at all this game.

When the village was actually playing after Proph subbed in that’s when wolves need to powerwolf instead of expecting town to self-destruct.

wait when did you re eval them

Sulit fucking died and the game was apparently mech locked lol

when marshal the wolf yelled at them to