Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Stop acting like people are only pushing you because you’re scumreading them. They’re pushing you because of how wolfy you’re being. I’m finding it very likely that Marshal/Min are w/w to be honest. Either that or Min is TMIing Marshal v. One of the two being the case is extremely likely.

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Compare this to Pigeon D1 and Pigeon now is completely different


masspinging my claim

how are you going to use bad reasoning to call cloned town yet realize its literally stupid for me to be “Defending” marshal as w in both of these situations

Can you please actually read the game for once

Thats confusing. Can you still use things like the neighborizer, or is it like an ability count of how many

I already explained that. Because then he wouldn’t be able to use them effectively enough to hell the wolves without dying.


masspinging my claim #2

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eli disappeared

I can use 1 ability per cycle, last cycle I used doctor on windy

I couldnt even try to use neighborhood cuz it updates every night

he has a chance of coming back I doubt his ability just removes him entirely, I want him to see this if he still is reading

I am and if you’re a villager, you’re the one that actually needs to read the game here. I’m not using bad reasoning at all if you think about it more than a few seconds.

that would be funny

I was gonna add min to GM chat earlier but reconsidered I dont want to be hasty

you are literally basing your townread on cloned off of wifom and then not using it for me

you are actively confbiasing me as partnered with marshal while confbiasing cloned as town

min do not even bother engaging with leafia she doesn’t change her reads based on what others say and will confidently argue them, it’s super demoralizing so I just try to ignore it i suggest you do too

you say “cloned used drones because him as scum wouldn’t claim them” yet are saying that I as a wolf always will tmi marshal v or be partnered with her

Wrong. I’m thinking you could very likely be a wolf with Marshal based on the fact that you’re practically white knighting him for bs reason s and practically repeating what he says.

im literally fucking not!!

im going to shower and try to recollect myself

i dont use he him pronouns

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defending someone isn’t white knighting them!