Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

I don’t know? Saying “Why would I do X” isn’t a valid defence

Wolves don’t have to make sense, neither do villagers
I just think your read was crappy and looked like TMI

Your play with claiming vig eod then retracting it is really aligned with your scum play

It reminds me of a game but idr the name

Ritual maybe?

Oh wow, so meta can be used on me, but not on you? :thinking:

holy shit

Either way, it’s not aligned with my scum play at all that one, I claimed Vig miles before EoD and retracted it today as I had planned the entire time.

i don’t think that was really their point, it’s more that their content isn’t going to be as good as it usually is. not that meta can outright be dismissed

I’m correct though, aren’t I? You can’t get annoyed at Arctic for metareading you if you’re gonna metaread others. It’s exactly what I was called out on during D1 with Vulgard and I did it unintentionally.

This post has an addition of a factor of nought and doesn’t change my point whatsoever.

It’s a crappy meta read becuase I made it clear multiple times that I’m busy

There’s a fucking difference Wazza

And I’ve made it clear multiple times that I’m changing how I play as Town, so is there a fucking different, Sulit?


Jesus Christ

No, there fucking isn’t.

Bye <3

Yeah. Bye.

/ITA Sulit @astand

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oh nooooo

Btw, I got a gun from Cloned so this is legit and not me just memeing.

what will town core Arctic do when I die and flip town :sob:

Yeet or be yeeted

Either way Sulit, don’t get pissed when people metaread you, it’s not worth it.