Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

See I now have time to play cuz it’s the wkend but it does not sound fun reading every single post up to now

Either way sulit, don’t get pissed when people scumread you for low activity in a game you said you’d have low activity.

That was literally my entire point of this and also to ask you why you scumread me without having a single case on me and just to see if you were following thread consensus.

So imma just vibe in thread and make tonal reads

Yeah, you shouldn’t get pissed since it’s not worth it like I’ve fucking said. If it’s against your meta, you’re gonna get read for it anyway and it’s not gonna get dropped for it. Just look throughout any posts during D1 and all it is is repeated bashing of meta consistently. That was just gonna be me giving you advice not trying to start an argument with you for no reason.

Sulit ~never w/w with wazza approximately

was waiting for this read from someone

Kbye time for psych

the read tm

tbh this is a bit of a misrepresentation, i haven’t said once said you are lacking in content, i’m just pointing out that the content you have is either bad, wolfy or both

You’re literally annoying me on purpose
Thanks for the wise advice

the one thing I hope to come from this game is people to realise that metareads don’t work on a player who cares about mechanics too much

No I’m fucking not, you’re the one getting agitated and annoyed for no reason and then snapped at me. I said this comment:

To see your input on the matter. Not for you to get pissed like this:

So no, fuck off.

Thanks for driving me away from the thread

I will be back tonight or something if I feel like it

Appreciate it Wazza

Oh no! Sulit left thread! I care so much.

This games a lost cause so I care very little about this whole thing.

Either way, do you guys know what you’re actually gonna do once I flip?


why is everyone so bitchy

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Sulit, I didn’t specify I was going to flip Town.

wow Sulit slipped smh
(yes this is a joke)