Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

i could be wrong - arctic says that you are capable of topposting as a wolf and he linked the umineko 1 game where you did exactly that, and that’s on my skim/read list if i ever make it past day 1

but gun to head i think you’re a villager, and i don’t want to see you mislunched. i know i don’t have a lot of clout ITT, but i will try my best to oppose your wagon. if i’m wrong, then boo hoo, your wolfgame is stronger than i thought, but i’m willing to trust my instincts for now and see how this goes

I feel a better example, while not wolf but instead a third party role, is just SFoL67 in which I had 1.7k posts lmao

Either way, good reasoning, just wanted to ask to make sure you could justify it and wasn’t just some wolf making something up to take quick credit.

tbh the fact that NK could exist makes me half-tempted to just proceed with sending you to the shadow realm because your play matches sfol67 quite well

particularly your emphasis on what’s good for “you” and not the town

this is quite literally just me in general.

look at meowtainado for a perfect example

Although the chances of NK are quite high, especially with the amount of KP.

May I ask, if I was NK, why would you execute me?

me tbh

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(this is not me going to claim NK, I’m not, I’m just Town, I’m just asking)

why would we not execute you

it’s not like you would actually help take out any mafia, you would just kill the consensus obv towns

3phunting bad

is SFoL even forum mafia, though?

I guess my question for you Wazza would be - and feel free to link post(s) in the thread if I’m asking you to repeat yourself - is that you have a unique point-of-view in the thread, given that you’ve topposted both days 1 and 2 and everyone has some sort of opinion about you.

you’ve been the leading wagon today and I assume you were a leading wagon some of the time day 1 as well. given that, who do you think is honestly trying to evaluate you and your alignment, and who is either pushing you for the lols, not trying to evaluate you at all, has TMI on you, or trying to use you as a distraction?

you’re not voting anyone in the votecount from an hour ago and i am unsure why, given that you have this unique vantage point to view other players by. do you think the people pushing you are all townies who are misguided, or wolves?

that’s my big question for you atm. again, you could have already answered this, and if you did, please show me in quotes where you have

Counterpoint: As NK, I obliterate wolves.

Case in Point: SFoL67, Rokugan FM and the game I was NK with Apprentice

To add onto this, with the amount of Town dead, I find it unnatural you’d kill the NK over wolves.

scum = dead

Regardless of what alignment scum is

it’s rolemadness and has conversion but it’s still FM

what is NK? Nightkill?

are you just NK
this stuff is kind of weird to be saying if you’re town

neutral killer

serial killer