Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Remember what happened to vul?

We know enough. It kills and cleans players, that’s all we need to know, it doesn’t matter if it’s strongman or anything else like that, what we know is enough for now.

yeah exactly

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Yeah, you’re right.

Hmm, okay. I suppose. Though again, it’s probably better to make me a target than others who have claimed with something better?

Making yourself a target is a pointless distraction. What if all players claimed were wolves and you were now the only option and put yourself in the line of fire, to add onto this, wolves aren’t just going to choose you over the other claimed players considering you’re a weaker kill.

Well, wouldn’t it be strange then if I was chosen as the kill instead of the others who claimed?

Who are you ppl planning on bringing into the mason chat tonight Whysper?

No because now that it was stated, if you’re killed, it means nothing as it can just mean wolves tried to trick us.

there is no mason chat :newspaper_roll:

Haha, there’s no mason chat. Sorry. That was just a hopeful dream for my role. :slight_smile:

Whysper is just a communicator. She sends players a post and an image each night.

Huh? I thought Whysper’s ability was to masonize someone adding them to a chat with her?

Ah okay.

Well yeah, but then that saves a town with a better role for one more day at least?

I doubt you’re going to get killed in general. You’re still in the PoE and your claim doesn’t exactly help that.

No, I just sent an image. I was just ever so hopeful that it might get interpreted like images were for the Paint Mafia game if I were to do something like that. But no such luck. :slight_smile:

Okay, then why the fuss about me claiming then? :slight_smile:

Ah alright, and if you send one to scum, you die?

No, it doesn’t say anything about what happens depending on alignment.