Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Well I haven’t so

nobody had been pushing to semi-dome galena sulit before me despite that being a direct conflict, that’s something you as wolf will want to exploit or at the very least fuel the flames.

everyone ignored their arguments which is pretty indcative of a wolf being caught up in there and them wanting to skate by

Speaking of which sorry I’ve not done much today

the only reason I signed up for this game was Alice tbh as I don’t really like these kinds of games, then she got n1d so I’ve mostly been doing other things

I’m at work but intend to do some more ISOing before EoD today

if you think wazza is a wolf and sulit is town, why has the sulit wagon been ignored? wouldn’t wolves want to try and push that wagon, especially after i made a case so they could just blame me

wagoning sulit will make her obvtown (she already has) and will reflect poorly on the wagoners

I like Arctics responses to both Marshal and Sulit and seeing as I’m hopefully right on at least one, though maybe both tbh, I’ll take you as town Arctic

who’s ISOs do you think I should get to before EoD

How would that make Sulit ibvtown?

meh this is a wifom point at best

i did, actually, and sulit said they thought it was a bit wolfy to never consider that they could be v/v
…partly why i think sulit looks more like v right now, independently of what my read on galena is

luxy maybe

I just went into my ISO and I saw this lol

I forgot about that

Marshal really is prolly just a wolf

I went into it though because I wanted to quote what I said just barely about Sulit but I’ll just mention it, I’d like if my post about Sulits wolf read on me wasn’t glossed over as I’m pretty sure I got zero responses to it and would like some

isn’t the wolf the more likely one to say it’s v/v cuz they want to out out of the tunnel as they know the other person is v and it will look bad for them

i answered your post about sulit’s wolfread on you indirectly
probably actually responded to arctic but

basically i said that sulit tends to plop unexplained wolfreads on people early in the game as town, and then tunnel them for ages, and it’s just NAI at best for them but it isn’t wolf-indicative
and i say this personally because they’ve tunnelled me in 2 or 3 games lol

yeah but go back and look at the way she said it
i don’t think she was trying to worm her way out of it and she continued to push galena even after that

It doesn’t have to do with that, it has to do with the fact their explanation makes no actual sense

i didn’t think it made no sense, the only weird thing is that the explanation came after the wolfread, but that’s also something i’ve seen them do before

regardless of that, sulit’s reaction to arctic was very v!sulit because that’s how they react to pressure as town and i’m pretty sure of that

so i’m really not interested in voting them out. if someone wants to cop them, fine.

Read through it

Might look through their iso closer later? I think their response to my post was fair and I want to look at their eod again through that view (there’s a better word for this but I can’t remember what it is)

Oh yeah, proph asked me stuff

I forgot about that

I’ll probably get it day 3 tbh, not going to pull posts to explain my reads while I’m on mobile

Wolves aren’t an all powerful united force and pretty much never make coordinated pushes on people like this unless it’s in like really specific eod situation

Re: pretty much any colored in vc