Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Yes, like I said. They had like 700 posts day 1 and I went “I don’t give a fuck to read that so I’ll go with the thread” for the most part

if you’re v then the loudest voice that could be a wolf is marshal and she isn’t controlling the game lol

What I said before in addition to that

you right you right

It’s moreso that I’m questioning how it outweighed you seeing Atlas as an outed wolf.

/vote wazza harder

Yeah she explained her action to Marshal and gave a couple takes

wazza is not threadspewed v when everyone is moving away from her wagon and towards other wagons and the only one really fighting to say wazza is wolf is me, you would think wolves would want to keep that ML more.

This is kind of a valid point

I don’t really care to talk about my EoD right now, my posts are enough on their own and if not then shrug

It’s funny cause I said the exact same thing earlier and I was ignored
So I’m wondering if I was wrong

Honestly rn trying to read ISOs on FoL mobile is just making me extremely regretful that I signed up for this so

i mean wolves p clearly wouldn’t want to engage or bring up that point if wazza is mafia lol

it just feels like this is wolves realizing she’s not perma done and them exploring other options today

Relatable, that’s why I’m not doing it

this is circular reasoning when the reason people are moving from her wagon is because people weren’t moving from her wagon which looked better for her

Well, so what,if she isn’t a wolf she gets anticlaimedttonight and her slot is basically self-resolving

theres wagons popping up on me, tons of players are on their own rando vanity wagon and pushing their own random player.

you could say the same about me lol

They fixed it but then it broke again

I know
They seem to only have one anticlaim shot oer night and I said earlier if you and wazza are bothalive one of you is guaranteed to die unless you’re both wolves