Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

But, why not? If you think I’m scum, and there’s two options between the lynches of just two wolves? If I was CFD’d too thanks to them, they look very good.

Of course, I know I’m not wolf, I’m just putting this in the perspective of your world.

This is preflipping.
While I agree with you.

Your result on N2 was incorrect, so is Leafia’s now.

Counterpoint: PKR is the only other player to know there’s mechanics that changed his result.

Granted, it’s just PKR blindly trusting me because it’s PKR and if you say it’s TMI, then he uses TMI as Town in previous games as well?

K. It’s not as if I’ve been defending her the entire time and I’m at the point where I’m paranoid with the amount of KPN that 1 slip up is fucking game over.

I know there’s no lost wolves.
I know it’s just pack wolves.

By setup speculation I can be fairly confident there’s 5 alive wolves.


A ML would put it to 5v10.
And with the KPN do you really expect me to believe that we can correctly lynch 5 fucking times in a row if we’re wrong here?

cus saying they’re getting cold feet just looks like they’re trying to back out of the lynch, which is useless to do as w when you know a wolf is flipping and you want the cred


this isn’t me saying he literally uses TMI as Town in previous games
this is me being sarcastic to the idea

“The game is intended for 25 human players”
We know that’s incorrect

And of course, you can’t just frame that.
It literally has to be some result changing ability.


Why as a wolf do I say that info after blatantly seeing a puppet master sort of role flip.
Please logic out that Arctic.

the fuck do you mean why
have you not read Alice’s flip?

I mean, you can be wolf oracle who said that after getting that as the actual result, but I doubt you’re lying about the result whatsoever

so do you think pkr is just making it up? or something changed his result?

*Without losing to KPN

Almost like I’ve been saying this.

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Actually can I get a synopsis of this mech ur talking about I’m missing a lot of the context :sob:

actualy no, his result does make sense

we now know that liattac has an actual role and can vote. there’s no reason it couldn’t have been an actual player in this case

“Intended for 25 players”
But it wasn’t intended for 25 players, as another role had control over it.

I clicked the wrong post to respond too :joy_cat:

Because the role can exist by itself

But the other one cannot.