Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

My solve was that the last two wolves were Proph and Marl, and if there was a third it was Hippo

I love how D2+ of this game is still less longer than D1

The early hammer before I could get likes is what ultimately lead to our loss imo

I could have blocked the kill on Amelia and also strongmanned one of the kills

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Yeah, next time Iā€™m rolling W and I get a neighborizer in my wolfteam Iā€™m making a W/W hood.

i only do this when i have explained why the read you believe in is incorrect, and rather than try to discuss with me you often ignore it and maintain the read. which is exactly what happened with your pkr read this game. i donā€™t really know how else to shut down your read when you arenā€™t willing to engage with me about it lol

nya :heart:

I had 750 posts d1.

Sorry not sorry.

What post(s) were you trying to use to likefarm? Your role seems pretty cool honestly

Scales up the more charismatic you are

Also why did everyone think I was lying about my Tracker

At least this game taught me some yesses and some noā€™s for me.
Some things I can and canā€™t do.

I did a bit better as a wolf this time but genuinely lost motivation due to how I was treated due to defending someone when I fucking would do so anyway as town and Wazza/Aelin both know I would

Plus we went from good and gold to fairly mech locked out haha. Oh well.

I didnā€™t on that day yet

The meme about Eli leaving one was easy

And I just told a joke in day 1

I thought you were telling the truth tbh

i thought he was lying because i was pretty sure town kp killed nightingale yet he didnā€™t out them lol

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Eli was fucking hilarious

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I was only wondering why you didnā€™t try to thunderdome the dvc energy vig since you must have seen them

Yeah exactly

Except I assumed it was more likely wolf kp

I thought your post about slaking loafing around after they had a hyper beam of kills on N1 was really friggin funny


Elis entire play game was just funny lmao his commute was legit optimal it made him look obvtown in my eyes

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