Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins


We did

people in the game: arctic goat
dvc: proph and sulit goat arctic woat


I replaced out D1

due to irl

Nice nobody saw that

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arctic actually goat though

he’s my town MVP this game


Did you play Umineko on Steam or PS3
I’m pretty sure thats a PS3 playthrough with a lot of redone sprites and graphics

is didney world running here or on MU?

who the fuck is gonna play a vn on ps3

My claim was VT but I never had to use it

well the actual answer is because you are like the only person who says “rand>w” instead of “>rand w” or something like that lol

don’t think I did a whole lot besides soulread wazza as v and help make my slot more readable

Tbh I think town played fairly well in that it was pretty hard to find ppl not making themselves obvious town.

Like it was so hard to push waz and sulit when they kept towning


Marshal and Esooa subbing out hurt a ton
Half the reason guillo derped and outed himself was because he wasn’t fully aware of what was going on

I played on steam I do not have. aps3
