Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

there’s no way he’s Wolf if he full on left the game.

Wouldn’t it be funny if he did it for no reason at all


“you won’t die via wagon today or be targeted by day abilities"

He wasn’t even being wagoned but if he thought he’d be vigged despite Chloe already being vigged then kek

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…who was planning on targeting eli with day abilities LOL

I don’t get why he’d use it here as either alignment lmao

lmao good question

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Lmao idk

Do u think he also thought ur wagonbomb claim was real



I’m back, I skimmed everything

Simple explanation:
What the fuck

oh my fucking god please tell me he didn’t lmao

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I have a case on her that I’ll post before EoD but I want to do it from computer because my mobile posting keeps getting fucked

Based eli

Oh my god no

btw I’m gonna laugh if I see Eli appear in the Theatergoers area

You can’t blame me you said boom time and then astand started talking LOL

I think he actually did

How the fuck did 5 people die
Why the fuck did wwa get poisoned by cloned
Why the fuck did shurian die
What the fuck happened to eli

I was like are you fuckimg serious