Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

No opinion, pretty sure he claimed night sheriff or something

Zero greenchecked atlas

Personal read is that Zero is town

I have a Null, the greencheck he said was true, but I have nothing beyond that really
Maybe nulltown from that

No town or no scum?

Iā€™m an idiot, no scum

OK, thanks.

As someone who was just dumpstered by an incorrect cop check of sorts I am kiiinda wary, but Iā€™m good with waiting until lategame to see if they self-resolve.

/vote Sulit

They are probably a villager, idk if their identity is outted but itā€™s pretty obvious. They usually struggle with TMI and massively push agenda as a wolf and Iā€™m not seeing that this game. They had solid reasoning for thinking Alice was a villager and pure thoughts surrounding Wazza/Atlas as a tinfoil team (which is unlikely since atlas is apparently peeked green) which is congruent with the claimed green on Atlas today as that check makes a lot of sense

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Who cop checked you

Iā€™m referring to me thinking Cryogenics/Security ā€œsameā€ result in the invitational game was two villagers as opposed to two wolves

I get the sense Zero is actually solving the game and not only evaluating other peopleā€™s reads but giving his own reads as well, which is a very good look

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Oh yeah lol

I literally saw the parity check and thought ā€œwow what are the chancesā€

Which is dumb because I thought both of them were individually scummy at some point but then cleared them so lol

Iā€™m a bit surpised he checked me over wazza, to be honest

I was acting weird but I was basically a Null, while wazza had a very real chance of dying d2

I donā€™t really feel good about Atlas being town after showering, disagree with Arcticā€™s reasons a lot after thinking about it

Mostly Arctic saying that Atlasā€™s wallpost read on whoever was towny. I think things like that are a lot more easy to come across as towny for wolves (wall posts), and live interacting is hard. The fact that Atlas is being town read for a wallpost basically, while having awful live interactions is bad. And Iā€™m doubtful on the check still, especially considering Atlas is a likely cop check and the wolves should have known that.

As for the stale/whatever wagon on Atlas day 1, I may look at who was on/off them etc throughout the day. Not right now though. Iā€™m going to ISO Rue/Aelin. Oh wait, Proph is Aelin now. Iā€™ll probably wait on Aelin then

Their reads display a level of nuance which I donā€™t expect from wolf them since they have trouble hiding TMI and thus struggle coming up with reads that are ā€œout thereā€. I could see their thoughts turning with the Alice read too. kinda just feels right

I think actually checking you because you were a cw to Wazza and Shurian made sense

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also not sure why wazza claimed kp if they are town and said it was false d2

Fair enough