Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

and did you

Then I was put back up as a wagon and didnā€™t have a choice, if I said ā€œI wasnā€™t Vigā€ yesterday, Iā€™d be dead on the spot.

If you think that youā€™ve not read a large amount of my posts. And I donā€™t really give a fuck to continue this further with you so

Talk about the game maybe

Do you think while Iā€™m getting pushed on again Iā€™m going to claim ā€œIā€™m not a Vigā€?

If you were going to bait anticlaim without ever being targeted you literally could have claimed part of your role

I asked you a single question. No need to be rude about it.

Is it typical for rue to have 110 posts day 1 in a large game?


I said it was a side goal not a main goal, I wasnā€™t going for it unlike what I would do in other games, in what world does anticlaim target me

Town does rescind their claims at the last second, it isnā€™t unheard of

Thinking of Marshal in warrior cats lol

Iā€™m getting tired of 90% of what I see from you being ā€œweh people are wolf reading meā€

yes but if I did it while being currently tied with the topwagon, I refuse.

also I still had the chance to bait RBs I guess.

Thatā€™s my point, so you could have claimed one of your abilities and you would probably not have died anyway

Ok fair

You typed out my response to you for me! Thank you!

I wish I was a day vig

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She doesnā€™t have a volume tell so it doesnā€™t matter much

What matters is how sheā€™s handling interactions and information imo

pretty sure that wouldā€™ve counted to anticlaim as itā€™s claiming part of my role and Iā€™d never risk that.

Atlas - who do you think are the wolves?

You said you skimmed the day phase - do you have any alignment-relevant thoughts on players?

Did you not literally just say youā€™d never get claimvigged

Does Rue like wolfing? I think I remember her very much not like wolfing, unsure though