Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Yes and she fucking outed it in the chat which I THOUGHT WOLVES HAD ACCESS TO AS ANTICLAIM

Ah yes, let me just randomly give TMI that Liattac is now owned by Marl, wow my intelligence is great

What the fuck are you on about?

Iā€™m on about the Grand Master chat, dumbass.

Yes exactly

No idea. It couldā€™ve been Wazza though. Hmmm, itā€™s a very good question that I didnā€™t really think of. Wazza, shoot Marshal to prove you still have a gun and didnā€™t shoot it earlier.

I cba to deal with wazza kicking and screaming just pretend we arenā€™t killing them today then CFD them

Donā€™t call me a dumbass if youā€™re going to act like one

Donā€™t pretend you donā€™t know what Iā€™m referring to

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Yes and who else was in the chat? Marl.

So who would Alice give it too? A person they want to confirm themself with.

Can we please just kill wazza

I do not care if she claims doctor, Iā€™m not having it

I was in the chat too for fucks sake

Youā€™d have no way of knowing if she gave the puppet to Marl or to me unless you got information when she claimed

Wind do u plan on explaining the info

i just want an idea of how reliable it is for now but u donā€™t need to explain yet

No, Iā€™m just not fucking dumb?

Yes we are killing wazza

Then why the fuck did you claim vig yesterday if you arenā€™t dumb

Alice said yesterday she wanted to confirm herself on min or Marl.

She was put in a chat with Marl.

Itā€™s so fucking obvious to give it to Marl.

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Sure. /vote Wazza @astand @KyoDaz

Yeah there was a lot going on in the hood chat

Why did you openwolf if you arenā€™t fucking dumb?

I claimed Vig to save myself and go on Min last night and hopefully commit fucking suicide via my ability.

Nah wazza

you claimed vig to cover yourself for an incredibly wolfy back track out of a dome which now youā€™ve rescinded you have no real reason for lol

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