Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

I’m slightly higher than 12 people
let’s go

Also now that you actually talked about it night

uhhh since you started spamposting and railing the discussion towards x thing

Its kinda weird how thats the only names I can actually remember

I legitimately had to
I hoped it would just be ignored but okay

I’m not elaborating further but I’m specifically asking you don’t wolfread me off of this, I want to work together and don’t want this to stop that

Then why would you never bring it up if I’m quite literally at the bottom of your readslist?

And how did you find it scummy but refuse to give any thoughts, especially when I was being suspected?

other names that i legit have not payed attention to include marshal/zerokito/pkr/probably some others


only because i love you and i wanna pog out w/ you

/unvote @astand @KyoDaz

This feels more of a “I’m going to go with the thread” read than anything else, Night as not once have you mentioned me being scummy when everyone else who’s at the bottom, you’ve quite literally voted.

but if you’re LW and endgame i will tunnel you for eternity in any future game where you openwolf in that way


“literally at the bottom” is “i have a very light wolfread on the slot”
i have about as strong a read on you as i have on Aelin
i feel like the way youve been grabbing the thread in a way thats literally not how i remember playing with v!you in pymm2


Sure, will do it when I wake up as I’m actually just going to take some melatonin now.

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I do not remember danganronpa looking like this


That is possibly the weirdest forum video bug I’ve ever seen

/vote thepigeonnyc

Then explain to me why you would have me at the bottom but not comment on it or vote me unlike what you’ve done for everyone else at the bottom? Seems like a sudden read to me and I do not like it whatsoever.


okay few things on this:

  1. This game is completely unrelated to PYMM2, PYMM2 was a game where I could be literally any role I wanted to be if I just did it.
  2. Did you read the rest of PYMM2 or did you just not bother when you replaced out?
  3. This is quite literally how I played in PYMM2, the moment I got townread by someone, my confidence boosted, I lead the thread and focused heavily on mechsolving.

i mean its true
but its not wolf-indicative

Why me