Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Yeah kinda, but I’d at least expect to have thoughts on all players when there’s 2.3k posts

Orange jumped on the couch he’s so cute

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+I’m not confident on like

a large portion of these

Wazza doesn’t have an opinion on themself? Curious…

I have the opposite problem where I don’t want to do things but do them anyways

This shld be a megachill game but I’m incapable of chilling


I originally had myself as the same colour as min to show how confident I was on the min read

then just removed it as it was pointless

we all know that this is the coolest color :sunglasses:

I thought for a second you were talking about orangeandblack

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we can take turns :handshake:

you only like it as you can actually read it because you use lightmode :joy_cat:

luckily I use grey amber

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You can be the orange to my andblack5

everyone just use the anti-light mode color just to make light mode users not able to play the game

I don’t know how people can use light mode which destoys your eyes but I hold mad respect for them for enduring it

you can be the bitch to my solar car

what if i :flushed:

:ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube:
:ice_cube: :cowboy_hat_face: :ice_cube:
:ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube:


Oh, I got confused. I thought it was Marshal that townread Pigeon, but it was Ici.

btw if Ici and Vul both flip wolf I want Alkali dead

You can be the trustworthyliberal to my bullet

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THE image is too big which is sad

if wolves I want the wolves dead