Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

suicide bomb is obv false nya

I was visiting the doctor today for quite a headache caused by neck sprain
I slept for quite a bit and I have to leave again soon to sleep again as I have work tmr >_>

I wonā€™t wake up by EOD >_> Itā€™s 5AM in the morning for me

Eod isnt for like another 30 hours

Wolfy pop-in, tbh.

Mildly disappointed YunoGasai didnā€™t react to Marlā€™s hilarious diss.

is every single time I exist going to be wolfy



Iā€™m down to yeet atlas

The problem is that youā€™re not trying to solve the game and every time you exist is to either dissipate SRs on your or make non-gamestate-advancing comments.

nah i saw vulā€™s thing on atlas and agree they are >rand v

But he also doesnā€™t look like heā€™s trying to solve the game, and frankly, I think thatā€™s village indicative.

im village indicative :flushed:

stop it
be useful

Fine. Why is wazza being voted, like I asked

Normally Iā€™d agree if he wasnā€™t the 3rd/4th highest poster, but eh.

Donā€™t wanna kill him today.

Because we got a red check on them.

Who did?

And was it a n0 or a d1 redcheck?