Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

I just

really haven’t seen anything from you that was memorable?

im back

that personally hurts my feelings /s

hi back, I’m dad

also I’ll post an updated readslist again tomorrow if I’m still alive by then, this is probably my last one for now as this is exhausting af to write up an entire readslist.

I’m sorry :frowning:

show me you’re Town and I’ll give a read on you

Can someone explain the case on Night for me, please?

What changed?

also yes this I was going to say this please give a 5 minute buffer between when you think something and when you say it so i can say it please

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im not as confident as i could be on the slot but right now it’s Probably Just A Villager TM

I think Wazza’s reads are okay and I’m still unsure as to how much content they can actually give as a wolf. Last time I mentioned it, was just “they as a wolf do a thing where they play anti-town af then ‘get better’” but that doesn’t tell me how much they can actually contribute as a wolf

What if she shows you she’s wolf :joy_cat:

Three things, actually.

  1. Thread disliked the read, so I dropped it.
  2. I wasn’t confident about the read in the first place.
  3. I can’t directly read you, so I’m just following the thread mostly.

I’m just agreeing with the thread for this one.

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i heard alice got mad at people are the last few posts worth reading or no

Time for PKR full reads list explanation. Starting with the top tier people:

Wazza: I hate to do the ‘I told you so’ thing, but, I really did. Wazza has bled towniness when people kept coming at and scumreading her to the point that I’d not want her dead even if they survive until end game because I feel like wolves could easily decide to do that just to try and make me change my mind. On top of this time were the easier posts when I was getting the whole ‘vibe check’ the ‘gut’ and all.

Arctic: This is my weakest of the 4 in this tier. However, I feel like Arctic’s posts in general remind me of their town games more than anything else. He did some fairly basic analysis into previous games and tried to evaluate that way (but some other ways too). Arctic’s reading of Wazza was one of the only things which made me “?” on him, but, I feel like that could be due to the fact I’m biased atm, the other one being that there was a lack of certainty in a fair few posts and it just felt like they were flip flopping and leaving room to wriggle out if needed.

Wind: This slot makes me internally scream due to the fact that as usual, Wind is a high poster. And I feel like this is just going to get worse as the game goes on. However, their posts remind me less of Umineko 2 (A game I’ve been directly looking at due to the fact it had f’y roles too) and more of Darling in the Franxx FM and FAM 3. One of the major posts which supported this was Wind harkening back to Umineko 2 in one of her posts, which I feel like would be a weird move for a wolf to do.

Alkali: Chloe, such a classic person to read and for me to internally scream about not misreading due to the fact I know how skilled she is. Chloe’s pushes have been very consistent and yet I have seen the usual Chloe doubting reads (and perhaps herself too). I remember Night not having vibed with Chloe’s reads before this game, but, I wouldn’t be too shocked if that was V/V (as is fairly typical on these forums). She had a really good opener to the day including her frustration during the early-game game state and has come to be fairly spotlighted and generally townread by most people. Furthermore, although it’s an old game, I still remember Chloe from Insurgency and don’t get the same vibes from her.

Rue: Posts were largely simple, some just single/two sentence posts and others just videos. The thing which frustrates me with them is simply there’s not much going on, they could expand on some things but this is the fault moreso of people like myself who have let them just be more casual. Rue also doesn’t remind me of Umineko 2 (Where IIRC they were scum). They’re not very combative but I’m worried that my townread could be partially biased by this lol

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That’d be :joy_cat: and I’d give a read

I haven’t commented on most people.
Your point is ?

Also whats the explanation here

Honestly, yeah.

they* sorry

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based wallpost tho