Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

We don’t even know what’s going to happen today, considering there’s two wagons and wagons this game are shifting quickly

Then who else can he shoot?

W/e. We should have watchers/strongwillers/protectives on Vul every day now.

Its wazza, vul and someone else

Anyone else who isn’t Vulgard.

Bad idea, let them target whoever. It’s not like wolves can’t protective/watcher dodge.
The mere possibility of me being protected is enough of a deterrent on its own, it makes wolves’ nightkill on me a gamble.

I’d rather my townreads not die than me.

“You” being wwa

So its wazza vul and wwa cloned can shoot

What makes you think that Vulgard is a villager and can’t be a wolf?

Yes, I am the wolf alignment cop.
I know this is an astand game, but come on.

Seers are a self-resolving role.

Wolves either kill Vulgard or Vulgard boxes them in.

Of course, if Vulgard survives multiple nights just yeet him.

They mean you might be lying.

That doesn’t answer my question and how are seers self resolving?

You all do realize that Vulgard was quoting a copypasta, yes?

LMAO the off centering of ur pfp

I was gonna make a quote wall but I realized it was way too long

/vote wazza

Shurian dies from kp