Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

No, because that’s literally what my fucking role does.

you got your role pre-game and joined the game pre-game?

Sleep well

maybe tunneled
maybe not

but my lizard brain thinks alice posted on the puppet on purpose and played it off as an accident


not like she ever goes over d1 anyways but i want this here for posterity’s sake

That’s below low effort. You have 100+ posts and most say nothing.

this is an objectively bad post
“level 1 non-committal take, oh but if it doesnt ignore me haha :)”

/vote Vulgard @astand

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This is true, but also not smth I noticed in the games you cited from quick look on mobile.

And why the fuck would I intentionally act wolfy on a puppet account as a wolf?

Yeah, and? I’m not doing anything in this game until D3 so if you want me out, vote me out.

I mean, Aelin

look at all Vulgard’s reads

they’re just made to agree with thread consensus

I did this too

who says it was intentional? lol

Yes, which was part of the reason for my suspicion on you.

Was I supposed to say they should sheep it even if the flip proves me wrong?

maybe the fact they literally claimed wolf


  1. Aelin (Strong Townlean) - I think Aelin is very likely to flip town, almost a lock, because of their meta. Their reads make sense and are into logic while they feel like they kind of lack spice for genericness. Though if Atlas flips scum then I’ll reconsider this.
  2. Alkali (Weak Townlean) - Weak townlean because she’s funny but I haven’t really read much into her posts yet so idk. I think she towntold earlier today so I wouldn’t really be lynching her unless there’s a very good argument for it. If Icibalus or Hippolytus is scum then I think this is also a possible partner.
  3. Atlas (Weak Townlean) - I’m not committing to this, but their arguments so far look genuine and they look to be in their town meta. I don’t think this flips scum but if I kind of want to lynch him since he looks like he could flip neut.
  4. clonedcheese (Strong Townlean) - CC is probably town for lowposting as from his post count it feels like he knows he’s town so he doesn’t need to post like all of the nerds in this thread. I think scum would be trying to post more to mislead town and trying to get volume cleared. Also I liked his votes so far as it shows a town motivation behind his actions and thus his way of thinking so he should be very clear here.
  5. EliThePsycho (Weak Townlean) - I like how Eli is super aware of himself but still unaware. This tone and sense of awareness usually comes from villagers more than wolves but at the same time can be wolfy depending on the situation. I still think he should be lynched down the line, especially if his awareness becomes normal again.
  6. Galena (Strong Townlean) - Galena looks like that sarcastic townie that makes quips that imply towniness since they can’t because they have a very dry wolf meta. I think this is a good chance of flipping town but if they are scum then they could be paired with Min. Also I think they claimed an important role early on?
  7. Hippolytus (Light Scumlean) - Hippo sounds like a virgin that is so desperate for coochie that he’s willing to simp for every female player in the game with his read on Alkali, Yuno, and Rue. These reads aren’t real and are obvious wolf pocketing towny relations. But I think that they could be bad town that’s just playing bad and trolling because they can’t get a gf irl.
  8. Icibalus (Weak Townlean) - Icibalus’ post don’t feel natural and it feels like there’s an agenda behind them but I still think that they’re town for bad reasons that include tone and how they seem to be towny. If this flips scum then Marluxion needs to be lynched immediately because they have scum-to-scum energy from how their post flow have been.
  9. Liattac (Lock Town) - I’m town.
  10. Luxy (Strong Townlean) - Luxy is okay as his tone feels gucci gucci but I don’t like how they’re only posting during the night which could mean he’s a slanking scum even if he’s a strong townlean. His tone and the flow of his posts look okay but I’m worried as he looks very sharp so he could be a strong scum that I may be misreading. But that’s all paranoia and since I’m not crazy then I’m never lynching this. His tone is also very fine and good.
  11. Marluxion (Weak Townlean) - I can see Marlu flipping scum, but I think he is town more often than not but I could go for a lynch here. I don’t like his behavior earlier on and he feels kind of bad for how he’s only posting later in the night which points to slanking scum so I want to put him in the PoE for now.
  12. Marshal (Strong Scumlean) - Marshal’s posts feel oh-so-grand but have no substance behind them at all. She talks big game but never really delivers the bacon when we need it. The ideas behind it are bad and make no sense when put together against the game-state and everything feels like she’s taking a chunk of roadkill from the road and present it to us as authentic Mexican carne asada. Look, her read on min is boring and generic and doesn’t further the game-state in any way whatsoever and there is no good pattern to her votes. I think if min flips town then we should kill Marshal.
  13. min (Weak Townlean) - I see some town pings from min here and there from time to time. Not any too strong as they could still be scum which is why I won’t defend them and could still be talked into voted them. They also look like the culd be scum together with Galena from how they interacted earlier so if one’s scum then the other one needs to die.
  14. Nightingale (Strong Townlean) - I think Nightingale has been threadspewed V so I won’t dispute this as she’s pretty town and cute, and that points to her being town since wolves can’t be cute. They remind me of Rue so I don’t think they can be scum together with Rue so if one flips scum then the other one should be completely clean.
  15. PokemonKidRyan (Strong Townlean) - Ryan has very towny BDE from his tone and he looks like his role is very important. I think this is very likely to be town especially after their reactions to being voted for no reason earlier.
  16. Rue
  17. Shurian (Strong Scumlean) - Shurian is fluffing the thread and spamming it with IIoA so hard that I can’t see a townie doing it. Could be a very bad townie, but I think this is just a wolf with how bad his ideas are flowing as they are just coming in one after the other with no warning at all. This slot needs to die even if he could be town.
  18. sulit(Strong Townlean) - I think sulit is in her town meta from how she is making reads and posting. Many reads feel pretty good like her read on Hippo so I really don’t think she flips scum and her push on Vulgard makes me think that they’re not scum with them. So I put this very close to locktown.
  19. thepigeonnyc (Weak Townlean) - Looks like LHF. She makes good points from time to time but at the same time a lot of her posting habits feel scummy like she’s trying to survive but no kill scum or stuff like it. I don’t like how they were LAMISTing earlier, though. But I can ignore it since they look like bad town.
  20. Triplethree (Lock Town) - TT is very solidly in their town meta that I don’t think I can dispute his towniness from how everyone’s treating him.
  21. Vulgard (NK) - I think Vulgard has a very high chance of being NK from how his analysis looks very showy and performative but doesn’t seem to be accurate at all so scum doesn’t attack him at night and end his game. He’s also not pushing anyone and is like that person who doesn’t really interact with anyone at a party so he’s making a fake solve with no belief. I think we should kill him today so we get less kills tonight.
  22. Wazza (Weak Townlean) - I don’t like Wazza but they seem to be town. Like the way they’re typing their posts makes a lot of sense for a townie to do and the votes and stuff also points to them being likely town. Like, I think they’re town but if they flip scum then lol me, right?
  23. WindwardAway
  24. YunoGasai (Lock Town) - Lock-town from her entrance and solving. The enthusiasm never comes from someone who is scum. Also I like how she pushed me as that shows very strong town motivation coming from her.
  25. Zerokito (Lock Town) - Zero has been spewed town from DADV because of VCA and the threadstate and from having good ideas that agree with a towny worldview consensus read. I’m never re-evaluating this slot and you can consider this to be as close as an IC as you can possibly can.

I even had this entire shitheap of a fake readlist to make people wolfread this account.

jokes on you i tried reading up five minutes ago when i got here and that was a bad move and im not going to bother doing it again

How? I haven’t read anything beyond my current realtiming.

ok maybe i am tunneled

Feeling cute
Might vote someone so you can all scramble and think I’m a wolf and wifoming