Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Read the wallpost. No way that any villager would TR that shit heap.

yeah I did and no player in general would townread some post that makes no logical sense

Because I didn’t intend to play seriously, I literally said maybe I should alt to lower expectations of me. But I went in anyway on my main account because there were already too many alts here.

ici feels like FAM

@Marshal talk to me when you get back pls
kinda not seeing it anymore

Literally all I did was skim it and then just decided “okay no” and ignored it when you posted it a second ago.

lex why do you have 135 posts

is this just copy pasta

like 40 of it was arguing with min

I dun wanna read!

I’ll read sometime after my trip to the chiropracter. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed; thinking hurts rn.

Also @WindwardAway, I’ll ping you later with a list of people. I’ll try to give you something juicy to look into.

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Action incoming

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please be a cute dayvig wearing tights

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I have questions about this, but they’ll have to wait. I’m otherwise preoccupied currently.


No, it’s a fake readlist that I was going to use as bait before I accidentally alt-slipped.

So why did you say that so early, before anyone could reactv


But w/e, I’ll return to my main. There’s no point in using Liattac anymore.

Oh no, but then I’ll have to read :sweat_smile:

(I have more time when I’m not about to go to sleep but have insomnia though, so sure)

(this changed because alt rules were changed)

I still really do not understand what you’re on about with your role

how did you join a game pre-game and then have it be your role ???

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