Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

I have 2 reads I remember and im sure at least 1 of them is good so tbh you’re all wrong and im right

I want to just sheep a townlean for today but I think my strongest townleans are voting me so that doesn’t work out too well

This is why i’m taking a backseat in this

I’ve accepted my status as no longer able to read you confidently lol

Also how tf would you get tiled off just a LHF-y player tunneling you?

I feel like every single time I’m pushed on that I’m being pushed on by a wolf but I can’t tell if it’s that or me just being annoyed about being pushed on.

Anyway with this post, I’m leaving thread for a bit, I really just need a break from everything instead of trying to contribute which just causes the thread to be fucked instead.

and before I leave
can you pick an account and stick to it?

Uh-huh nod nod
and there’s a ~75% chance for each other individual to be town
this is too appeal-y to make me feel comfortable about voting off of you nod nod

I’m sticking to this. There’s mech utility to cattail, so I’ll still be using it.

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wind’s post have been getting better

hope this aint another upick moment

oh so if i vote you youll townlean me?
pog moment

Yeah fair enough, I just mean for ease of ISOs is all

That people should have issue with GM discussion early

thats bad why?

Absolutely, that is how its gonna be D1.

I feel like it’s roughly what Vulgard said in his last wolf game

But it’s also objectively true that he was misread in his last town game too


Aight, so what got you tilted?

because I thought you were gonna do it all game and was super preemptively annoyed at it because I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with it.

You did a super good job of tilting thread out on your smoothbrainpepega account so you shouldnt be suprised

If it’s another upick moment I guarantee I’ll be dead by the end of today


Alkali seems mildly villagery on attitude.
Basically, she’s playing like she declared she would be playing pregame. I’d expect some visible difference with a W rand.

Not locking this in, but I feel fairly comfortable with it.

I wasn’t gonna tilt you the entire game. I was gonna make myself look wolfy and then drop that readlist to see who would be WK-ing it.

~90% of my tilt is from IRL but this game is annoying enough to add that extra 10%