Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

You can stop the diarrhea by not talking about the GM any longer.

sorry about being a dick to you btw

I didn’t want to be

I was saying why you would do that as wolf and why you’d go for that read, I was answering TT’s question.

I dont think its exclusively wolfy to preprepare wolfy posts but when urs is obviously trolling it is absolutely not going to accomplish what you said you wanted to

Actually wtf I hate the baby wagon formation

Okay Alice, this is ridiculous

I haven’t brought it up in ages, why do you keep bashing me about it.

i was about to tell you to vote with me but i dont actually know who i want to vote
/unvote @astand
ill see y’all in 20 minutes and 300 posts

I mean fine

I’m not a useful role, and I’m not opposed to just claiming it because the claimvig will kill me

Because I’m still tilted over it?

Yes but you want me to stop talking about it but every time you bring it up you’re coaxing me into talking about it just so you can get annoyed at me talking about it???

my heart and gut want to townread marshal but my brain says ‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’


I’m back

/vote Alkali @astand

Praise my return

W/e, I’ll just focus on looking at the lower-posting slots now.


I agree with this though

Indisputably villager

I give up reading this I’m going to sleep

Don’t really care if you wagon me or vig me tbh, there’s no point in trying to be towny this game

anyone want to make funny posts wi th me

quick explanation:

Every time Chloe contemplates voting someone and their read on them

they’re scum

friendly example is literally when they were wolf contemplating voting me

bad read but it’s a pressure vote with a mini-explanation