Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

i did not give you a sarcastic response, I explained all 3 of the reads you asked me to


then like I said.
I questioned the Windward read
and got a sarcastic response then you promptly ignoring me.

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I already voted Marl, take that as you will

I wouldnā€™t mind being GM as I expect it to accelerate my death in some way and Iā€™m not really gonna be able to late game

Omg itā€™s Shurian

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I think game master is just like an extra vote. It wonā€™t kill us if we just give someone it, so thereā€™s not much need to talk about it

I do hope that Marl doesnā€™t do that
I donā€™t think heā€™ll charge headfirst into a brick wall, heā€™s a train but this brick wall is made by astandā€¦

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maybe i was being sarcastic to your windward questioning but i dont remember

either way iā€™ve outlined my reasoning, if you have any questions or counters to it let me know otherwise im not gonna deal

Iā€™m just worried that Game Master is something harmful for Town or a complete overhaul of a class for whoever gets it which is why I was planning on mechanically outing if I was planned to be voted for it.

ā€œWhy do you find a person who is openwolfing to be townie when you, yourself, have openwolfed like this as mafiaā€

im trying to understand this but I donā€™t

can you explain it kinda dumb down and min friendly for me please

Why donā€™t we just ask what gamemaster is in our rolecards?

Ah yes, because weā€™ll get a response.

If the GM is caused by a role in any way thereā€™s no reason for it to be in OP and thatā€™s mostly what I expect considering itā€™s not

Its worth a shot like

ā€¦gonna try it anyway

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Iā€™ll go for it too, just to make sure

Sounds like a dreaming god kinda thing

hi luxy

Marshal have an orange pfp is really annoying me already

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