Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

For all we know it could literally be a trap

Like imagine if it’s not actually a role and just, a fabricated thing that comes from a wolf role that instantly kills whoever has their name posted the post times as a response?

hi min

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…this GM talk is pretty much pointless and is just making the thread-state antitown again…

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oh yeah this.

Because there are different contexts for openwolfing. I have openwolfed as town before. Wind has openwolfed as town before. Other players have openwolfed as town which means openwolfing is not explicitly wolf-indicative and doesn’t prevent me twnreading someone

I don’t think solving will happen either way. Worrying about this or outing when you arent out yet is like shooting yourself in the foot.

I will remind you the last astand game I had had a damned mafia “jailkeeper” who could talk to a claim vig…
It didnt end well

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Oh yeah lol

luxy have u read thread/isoed anyone or no



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Which is literally why mech needs to be completely forgotten about.

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Shush I know it’s pointless but I’m trying to ascertain my read on Wazza

sod thread state was really bad

anyone stick out to you rn tho?

I am townreading Liattac for their pfp alone

Wind is self-aware about how her posts are read (if they are wolfy or towny), and her being annoyed at how people are reading her and contesting town reads on her are towny, because as wolf she would not be annoyed if the posts she were making were intentionally wolfy, and she would not maintain she was making intentionally wolfy posts as wolf because it has shown to only get her wolfread up until now.

let me know if you want me to rephrase

i will steal your shrimps on the barbie with my solar car

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Why would I not be annoyed at being wolfread as a wolf?

They’re called prawns in Australia

this still isn’t true

Meh I don’t want to argue it

git mauled by a drop bear, ya dingus

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