Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

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wazza is wolf wolf wolf im getting all the bad vibes from their posts why did i not notice this before

usually as town, on d1, wazza just chills and does fuck all; sometimes she never votes or pushes anything

as wolf she likes to take control of mechanics and postpostpospospostpostpost
chronic powerwolf syndrome

i have engaged the tunnel

i want to sheep the wazza case but i feel like it could be recency bias on my part, cause i was definitely not wolfreading her before this point

By the way, number of wolves should be around 6, unless this setup is unconventional with its numbers.

If I remove my townreads from the playerlist, Iā€™m left with a PoE that looks roughly like this:

Zerokito (literal 0 poster)



This looks big, until you realize about half of these should be wolves - unless itā€™s wrong.

Dw Iā€™ll be out of ur poe by eod

i just wanna try something here
if i remove some additional townreads (i know this isnā€™t how it works but iā€™m doing it anyway) it leaves us with:

Zerokito (literal 0 poster)

wait i think i mightā€™ve removed a different slot than i meant to

sleep calls

i must answer

good night fellow villagers

never mind itā€™s fine, i was considering removing pkr but iā€™m not actually confident on that read
iā€™m not really confident on most of the ones i removed, i was just experimenting to see how many weā€™d be left with

good night chleb!

good night
(sorry for towniness)

on second thought
except for wazza and night, and maybe marshal, i think everyone else here has been a low poster with little impact on the thread
iā€™d expect the team to be probably 2 powerwolves minimum and the rest will not come out of their shells unless the powerwolves die
so maybe this is reasonable?

night isnā€™t powerwolfing though
she literally just fluffed


give or take one if thereā€™s a lost wolf, maybe
there could be neutrals but someone said astand doesnā€™t like 3p roles
idk if thereā€™s any sense in setup gaming that but iā€™m not really interested anyway in other alignments unless thereā€™s hard evidence, and in the last astand game i played, there were just massive red herrings pointing to possible neuts but they were all just town lol

theythem pls

be back later

by the way

I said this post game

I really donā€™t have a lot of time to commit to this game, Iā€™ll try my best to poke through isos here and there but Iā€™m already very much behind on the thread and donā€™t have a lot of time to read through the (already) insane amounts of posting this game

hey gamers whatā€™s up