Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

The reasoning is meh, tbfh.

Like, you know that I can fake-solve extremely well and I wouldn’t call those posts any way whatsoever out of my wolfrange.

The top wagons are lowkey not that good

did yuno rescind her check yet

I don’t think they’re out of your wolf range but they definitely felt towny to me

I think vul cld well be maf but i don’t think wazza is.

Yuno has a check?

Who has a check on who

…I never had a check in the first place. I wanted to see what was Atlas’ reaction to me claiming a red on Wazza.

so yes you did rescind it

you expected people to just…believe you?

That was a dumb RT

Atleast has been extremely disconnected with the thread and he doesn’t know my FPS-happy meta.

I knew it was a lie because what would be the odds of both of us having a redcheck on the same person :rofl:

I think Wazza is reeking town in general rn

Atlas, not atleast*

Wazza can fake a indignation as W, so that’s not something that AI.

yes but you would still not just randomly bite down into a check

but I can understand it since it was on Atlas

when i ask myself the question “who do you think is a wolf, ignore your reservations, who is wolfy?” i generally come up with five names

  • Alice
  • Wazza
  • Vulgard
  • Atlas
  • Windward (this one is more iffy for reasons I will explain)

Alice for reasons I’ve recently mentioned; her pushes feel far more gimmicky and less… brutal and cutting, if that makes sense? the aggression is still present but instead of just metaphorically pulverising her target with a warhammer she’s using a fucking gunblade or some impractical thing like that.

My reservations on that one come entirely down to how Alice has been playing her puppet, and my established ineptitude at reading her.

Wazza I shouldn’t need to reiterate; her entire play this game comes off to me as this ridiculous pantomine of an antagonistic villager that just feels like it’s driven entirely by agenda.

My reservations on Wazza come down to the fact that the wagon formation just reeks of something that’s going to kill a villager and the fact that she… apparently has gotten even worse when it comes to antagonising everyone and getting misread early?

Vulgard is the one I’m least reserved about; I genuinly just think that his tone this game is reminiscent of his wolf games and the whole display is just… unimpressive. Not “how the fuck could you think this” like v!vulgard was in FAM, I can see every path he took to get to what he thinks, but it’s all so boring and rote and it doesn’t feel like a player who is genuinely engaging with the thread.

Atlas is… okay, he’s just on there because his entire ISO is nothing-y and defensive, I haven’t paid very close attention to him, but a lot of people whose reads I generally like have called him wolfy for it and from the bits I have read I gun-to-head agree

And then there’s Windy. Windy is just… I feel like no matter what I’m going to do I’m going to spin my read around on her like a weathervane, but I just feel that she’s going to flip w. It’s basically a soulread.

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I’m not faking it, never have, never will no matter what alignment.

Night, if you think I’m Scum, why are you still refusing to discuss my slot at all, refusing to vote me?

Everytime you make no sense, it feels like you make reads up on the fly.