Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Also Alice, your read on Atlas being V because he’s heavily voted is bad

Ok this sounds like a good read

sounds like it
isn’t one however

im mech

I can’t help but feel like this take was made on pigeon just because he’s an easy target

like ik shurian doesn’t know much about pigeon so i’ll let it slide but yeah

anyway, pigeon typically does struggle with reads for the most part and likes talking about mech more, tho he normally does give some content so we’ll have to wait and see

Atlas really hasn’t done anything since his return to thread, realistically it’s still all been filler. He hasn’t brought anything new to the table and he hasn’t really worked to change his position, but thread has been slowly moving away from him just by way of him being in game.

Looking at the players who are pushing that it’s not the worst, I think chloe is town but realistically I think that if he is wolf his position as the “default” wagon would be much more heavily defended, i ftr think that the wagon on wazza is much more indicative of this in that people really have been constantly refreshing “wazza w” whenever pressure gets off of this but atlas has been overall allowed to slide away after a flashwagon.

It’s reminding me of how he played in RWBY lylo too, he was one of top two wagons and he really just kinda fluffed a bunch in thread with filler-y stuff. As january when he recieved significant pressure he was a lot more proactive in pushing players and trying to solve alignments when his own was under scrutiny.

I think he fits the “wolf who hopes their posting will go away” archetype and he’s done nothing to improve beyond my initial read on him, no reads, no nothing.

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Bruh how is Atlas still stuck up on this

Time to die from the plague

fun fact: i said that once and moved on

I think he’s just trying to derpclear himself.

i mean yeah if it’s a mech thing sure but since idk anything about that i’m not going to just ignore the social motivations you’d have here

You’ve mentioned it 3 times to my memory and I’ve not read the whole thread

Also, I’m going to do something I said I’d do when I finished eating. See you guys in like three hours when Im done.

I felt more like it was indicative of Atlas just looking for shit to talk about (as opposed to solving) more than that but maybe

Im not quite ready for that, it’ll prob have to wait until tommorow for me

If she answers my question on why me asking for a day of resolving is unlikely to come from town then please let me know but otherwise im really just not feelng like I can

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I just thought for a few moments, but your read doesn’t even make sense anyway:

I’ve read every post this game.
Unlike Meowtainado, I can actually contribute things socially and feel confident in said reads. While I’m not directly confident in them, I’m confident enough to push them, in the other game I was confident about 1 read which is why I refused to be shot and wanted that read shot instead. So unlike Meowtainado, I actually want to be in a position of confirmed Town, thank you very much.

Like, there’s basically no resistance on the Atlas wagon and we just keep defaulting there regardless what happens. His posts are bleh since it’s literally an ISO of 200 posts just defending themselves, but the fact that the thread just resigned to killing him gives me cold feet.

God I hate these thread state reads Alice stop pls

Alice, you said yourself there’s 6 wolves, correct?

If Chloe is a wolf the behavior would likely be the exact same

actually you could say if she’s a wolf newbie wolves will TMI her wolf

but still, I’ve never liked these reads at all