Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Is nobody else concerned with how quickly wazza’s wagon died out? Like after people were moving away from them, wolves made no attempt to keep the wagon alive which doesn’t really make sense if she’s a villager, because she’s one of the easiest pushes in the game on the basis of meta and joining this wagon promotes a pretty low-risk villager kill. Look at Atlas’ wagon, which has remained a thing for pretty much the whole day, and even mine at one point. Wolves quicjly jumped off the wazza wagon which looks pretty bas for her imo

It went from 9 votes to literally nothing

I may be guilty of this myself but if wazza is a wolf night might be v because a lot of people on the wazza wagon jumped there instead iirc

What I think about Atlas:

Initial Thoughts:

Atlas is hyperposting (364 Posts So Far), yet he said he wouldn’t when he opened. This is probably NAI but may be an attempt to make it harder to read himself. I’m not sure how Atlas plays, so this could be normal for him. But it does definitely make it harder for me to read him. I’m not sure what to think about him saying he won’t hyperpost and then proceeding to do it anyway says, but I’m tentatively going to say it indicates a lack of self-awareness or he’s just reverting to his old playstyle, at least at the start.



Atlas joins the thread about two hours late and opens with mechanical talk about the Game Master vote. This feels like a weird attempt to appear to be producing content, given he could have just read all the previous speculation about the Game Master that had happened in the two hours previously.

Atlas’ response to early votes about his entrance isn’t the best look tbh:


Rather than defend his actions, he tries and discredits the people voting him, and feels very stressed under this pressure, complaining about the ‘silent votes.’

I really don’t like how he treats Galena’s push on him either:

Seems very reflexive? It’s hard to explain, but I feel like hes kinda just slapping back at people rather than trying to explain why he’s doing the things he’s doing. He’s also going ‘you’re doing it as well therefore, I can’t be scummy for it.’

This is where my interaction with Atlas, or at least what I saw in thread, started:

Instantly tries to discredit Marshal’s read and calls him wolf after exactly 2 posts. This seems like a bit of a fast leap to this conclusion. I don’t think he was trying to solve Marshal’s alignment at all.

This post feels towny because its something I would say too lmao.

When I called him out for seeming to be a wolf being angry at being wolfread for the wrong reasons, he snaps back at me.

This feels like an excuse to not push Marshal despite wolfreading him because he knows Marshal is town.

The push just isn’t in bad faith? I saw nothing wrong with it.

And then he’s backtracking his certainty on Marshal being a wolf pushing him by saying what Marshal is saying is valid.

More of that wolfy anger.

This is a genuinely towny post, and its the first real analysis of anything I’ve seen from Atlas 130/376 posts into the game. It is then followed by a lot of fluff posts, up to about post 186.

Atlas seems to spend a lot of time discussing how much longer is left in the day, and other mechanical nonsense, that really isn’t that important:


Atlas then notes he hasn’t really done anything all game and plans to change that.

This feels like a vaguely towny post. I think he believes that the discussion about TMI is largely useless since he knows he is town, and is trying to steer the conversation to something more important.

He really does not like any sort of meta reading upon himself.

Atlas second ‘real content’ post of the game and it is on Wazza, a pretty concensus scumread at the time which seems kinda pointless/piling on. He also doesn’t make a judgment at all on Wazza’s alignment, he justs says its scummy in a later post:

I’m not sure how skilled Atlas is as a player, but these are very weak reads. The Rue read especially just seems to be put there so he isn’t just calling every player on his wagon a wolfread/nullread. Asking questions is not a good reason to townread someone.



Another ‘content post’ from Atlas that doesn’t make any sort of conclusion on Shurian’s alignment either.

This feels like genuine frustration, but I can see it coming from both alignments.

Atlas then proceeds to give up, which isn’t a good look:


This is a very weak defence, Atlas knows he hasn’t done much all game and just believes he shouldn’t be lynched for it because its better he posts some weak reasoning than not post at all. It’s also a cop out for not generating content.

The rest of his ISO is just fluff from here.

Overall, I see a few posts that had some hints of towniness to them and Atlas’ frustration at points seemed genuine. However, there is a lot more to wolfread here, including the fact that his ISO is like 40% fluffposting. His defence of himself generally consists of trying to discredit his pushers and throw doubt on the legitimacy of their reasoning, rather than trying to defend himself. He has a few leaps in logic that don’t really make sense except from a wolf trying to push back on his pushers perspective, and they way he treated Marshal seemed really off to me. Finally, the anger directed at Marshal when I first interacted with him definitely felt like it came like a wolf feeling like they were being wolfread for the wrong reasons. Therefore, I think Atlas still has very good scum equity and I’m happy keeping my vote here for now tbh.

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I am very concerned
that being said, i unvoted while wazza was in the thread because i wanted some thinking space

I’m not 100% sure on this because I see hint of towniness shine through in some of Atlas’ posts but the majority of his ISO leaves much to be desired and he really has not generated that much content at all.

Additionally, he scarcely makes conclusions on any of the players he reads as well

I agree with pretty much everything in your case on Atlas. It’s just the handful of posts that look like they could come from town that give me hesitation, because (as much as he hates being metaread) he had some extremely blatantly wolfy posts in his last game but still got consensus townread for a long period of time until I snapvoted him in LyLo because I got too pissed off at him (and we lost the game because we were both town).

basically the problem is, i don’t think he makes good reads as a villager and idk what kind of reads he makes as a wolf. i don’t have high expectations but i wouldn’t read him off weak reasoning for his reads.

He’s very new, only 3 FM games i think

i think your case was carried out in good faith but i feel like the towny things atlas has are more towny than the wolfy things are wolfy, if that makes sense. i know his defence is pretty bad but as town he does defend himself by aggressively LAMISTing like in gold rush, although it’s probably not as insufferable here as it was in that game. still think it’s probably v but i like your post

Realistically, he should autoresolve. I’m not interested in pursuing him, at least not today.

In that case, I’m pretty confident you’re town. The reasoning in that post is something you called super wolfy, but. If you wrote that post with the intent of it sounding super wolfy, and yet it sounded like something a villager would write, that means you’re a villager trying to sound wolfy on purpose, but failing in my eyes. I don’t think that would happen if you were a wolf, because wolves are pretending to be town, while townies are naturally town and it slips into their posting.

TL;DR You writing that post yourself locks you as town for me, for the foreseeable future, because me interpreting it as a V post probably wouldn’t have happened if you were a wolf not trying to sound villagery with it rather than a villager trying to sound wolfy.

I think Luxy’s town, by the way.

This is the villagery way to defend yourself lol

peak townplay

Fair enough, I can see those reads about the players on his wagon coming from a newer player whos just trying his best. My problem is the lack of conclusions on the Wazza/Shurian ISOs

the speed of the wagon formation onto Atlas as well as the speed of the wagon dissolution off Wazza are both kinda worrying

I think I misworded that, I meant throwing doubt on the legitimacy of the people reading him, rather than addressing their points/defending his actions

I still get the impression the only reason Wazza’s wagon vanished was her emotional outburst, leading to most players unvoting because of pity/compassion/hesitance, or just using that as an excuse in case of wolves (if Wazza is W).

It’s not super unnatural to me and doesn’t necessarily have to be an indicator of her being a wolf. I still think she’s a wolf, but I don’t think the wagon thing means much.

…did you even read the entire post?

It’s the same reason why people won’t vote Alice in most games, including ones she plays offsite. They get scared or start having doubts because of emotional responses.

Yes, including the awful take on me being specifically NK. Why?

Like, none of it matches what’s actually happening in the game. Liat was SR’ing Hippo for pocketing me despite Hippo never interacting with me, and he was lock-towning Leafia based on VCA. It was all pre-written before the game began.