Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Holy shit this is a godly pun


I actually feel a bit better about her slot after interacting with her, though. itā€™s weird but at least i think i understood what she was saying, even if i didnā€™t fully agree with it.

I dislike how theyā€™re popping out of the thread like this, but eh, since itā€™s IRL then I wonā€™t hold it against them.

Vomiting is scummy.
I guess Zoriā€™s a wolf irl.

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And yeah tbh I care more about school than this game currently and I havenā€™t seen some friends in a while so Iā€™m not gonna do much for rest of day, Iā€™ll check in periodically lmk anything important


Have fun.

By the way, Alice is lock V to me at this point. Her even insinuating that Zori could be a wolf after seeing her post about irl health problems (and treating it as a bit of a wolfy popout) is squarely in her village range and not a line she takes as a wolf. Wolf Alice would accept it as what it is - health problems. The mere implication, even if slight, on Aliceā€™s part is representative of what she does as a villager - poke at things she should not be poking at sometimes.

ā€¦wait, what?

What about the two account thing?

Night wazza contains exactly 1 wolf

I feel like night is tmiā€™ing wazza v and has done so several times before

Your voting wazza right now though, correct?

But i think wazza is wolfier lol

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Contextually I donā€™t think you do this as mafia. I know the statementā€™s second half is an acknowledgement of what Zori said, but I donā€™t think the first part would appear if you were wolfing.

Answered my question before you even knew i was gonna say it

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Yeah so if wazza is a wolf then night probably v

Also because a lot of wazzaā€™s wagon moved onto night

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Hi hello

What happen

Uh an iso and a defense for one

Second question

Why is wazza and who should i drone them

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