Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

…I feel like W!Atlas would be more aware of what’s happening in the thread?

Lmao atlas


Being lost in a highly active thread is wolf indicative, and why I’m voting them

because a “stop townreading me!!!” gambit relies on people townreading them for shutting down townreads, doing it in a purely logical way doesn’t garner that reaction

Also wind as wolf wouldn’t stick to the “openwolfing to replicate towngame” thing if it wasn’t working so I don’t think that really holds water cuz tbqh they could just make 200 more posts as wolf not with the openwolfing and everyone would more or less move on.

Also i really dont like how everyone is like “OMG, how can you town read wind when shes openwolfing, thats against town!!!” Ive explained in detail why I do, if you don’t like it then contest that (like what Galena did) instead of saying the word openwolfing and expecting it to shut down my read

I have said several times I haven’t re-read thread, or anything before I’ve posted, so I have no clue what happened beyond what I see. Someone, feel free to explain

Btw min is partly correct, I have openwolfed as town before but not to this extent

But I haven’t openwolfed like this as any alignment so take it as you will.

I’d expect like 6ish wolves. Unless they’re all inactive then he’d probably see chatter about me having the Liat alt in the chat since wolves should be PR-hunting.

/vote Yuno @astand @ whoever the vc bots are

I’d expect 5 wolves and a nk probably


I actually hate gamestate

Meh nah

Also someone feel free to explain

i do not like your posts
i think i quoted one or two of them
i can probably ISO you to find more

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Alice is both Yuno and Cattailbutbackwards

Which ones?


how was that allowed

yeah I was very fucking confused as well and I still am

then just remembered it’s an astand game and I will promptly ignore it

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