Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

Marshal, I would kindly ask you to not use meta reads on me. I’m not going to be exactly the same the entire time, considering mood changes.

He’s not even reacting I see close to no reads, a huge disconnect from the thread in general, and a ton of awkward self awareness

I arrived two hours late. I don’t have a full grasp on thread. And I’m a generally awkward person, like it or not.

Point to me her posts that made you think this?

I get more confident in things as I go on

kinda pockety, not in the usual sulit way either

Literally at SoD I believe she said I was towny
I kept pushing and interrogating her to see why she thought that
She found a post that changed her mind and wolfread me
Then she saw a post recently and began townreading me again

I’ll re-read her from the SoD when I wake up, then.

Too fucking tilted rn.

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Fair enough. Feel free to sleep

The thing I was pushing her on was when she said she’d consider the LW jokes as blanket wolfy and I had made several at that point but she was townreading me for unrelated reasons

So I wanted to dig into the inconsistency in her reasoning and I think her explanation checked out

Maybe when I get home I’ll explain all my random reads and why I made them and obv town myself

actually I want to die early so I think I will do that

that was what he was in RWBY so i suggest you wolf read him

no tbh, when I see you play like you did in RWBY and then how you did on january and then get nowhere near what january was I will think it is >>rand w regardless of stuff

I can’t stop you, and this isn’t the most welcoming environment.

January isn’t me. January is an alt account. I am not January.

Thanks I am

People act different on alts. You saw it with Min in I think the meow game.

You were the same person and showed capability of strongly pushing reads. New account name and new pfp doesn’t change that.

You also immediately outted as atlas in that game so that really doesn’t show ~anything

Ah yes, if I had alted I would have had the towniest opener ever. /s

Marshal, you cannot meta read me based off of two games.

if I alted I would uh be the most towny person ever too