Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1

he did act very differently to how he acts now tho

how so?

Tell me, how did town lose in the game I was January in? Who got voted?

I know I said I wouldn’t bring it up, but my response to the GM question was just “Find out.”

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uhhh im mostly talking about he was way more arrogant (i think that’s the word) and rude

Speaking bluntly, this threadstate is a mess, and a substantial amount of players are playing far outside how they should as villagers.

I don’t have much to add beyond this, but it is distinctly frustrating.



nah it’s less off encouraging and more of not ignoring the inevitable


@YunoGasai btw, part of my behavior is also because I wanted to change things up while on a new site, and I like how Mac plays though I can’t imitate it so well. I’m trying to make reads/pushes similar to how I think he would. The reason for that is the way Mac makes reads isn’t just by reading the game, another part is the way his demeanor in thread causes reactions

I’m reminded of this as calling Atlas outed etc is part of that :stuck_out_tongue:

no idea, it just feels weird
to this day i have never seen sulit wolf so i dont know her meta

there’s almost definitely a spampost vig who can kill players with [x] or more posts so I expect to die tonight

I’ll answer for you. Wind misvoted me. Why would I think the same strategy I did there would work here. Im also different on alts, for a reason I explained there, if you bothered listening.

You died in LyLo. That is entirely irrelevant to my read and completely muddying the waters. You were not wolfread for similar reasons so there is no reason to bring this up besides to imply that i’m wrong with 0 substance.

he acted like he did when I first met him in 2019
he’s changed since then, but evidently the alt brings out something

If you take issue with the amount of posts the thread had, why did you decide to add more irrelevant posts on top of it?

Anyways I’m gonna leave for a bit

I was killed in LyLo because a town misvoted me. Why would I think that would work again. I’m not here to be a strong big hyperposter this game. I’m trying to become more casual in Fm as my meta adepts.

Wait you aren’t an alt? :flushed:
