Ciconia FM: Thread 1 - Day 1


this was me during RM4 but instead of bussing my teammates I just called everyone incorrect and said the upcoming flip was Town

I was correct every time:)


The average foler

Maybe later in the game, but I don’t think that level of detail gets planned this early on in the game.

I think ici is extremely performative and self aware in a way that is wolfy asf but has also shown to be very able to be calculated in how she handled my push on her which gives me the major heebie jeebies. I didn’t care about her villa reading me but her “oh no I’m gonna get wolfread for villa reading you but I’m based and sigma so I’ll do it anyways #justvillagerthings” feels very overplayed

I’d expect a degree of performativity and self-awareness from her as any alignment as it’s her personality but here it seems deliberate and intentional how she’s making her reads more convoluted then they need to be

this happens far too much

I’ve had games where people have been the top poster and I’ve not seen a single content post from them

Honestly I looked at the player list cause I wanted to see how my reads distribute, how many wolf reads I have and if I’m comfortable with it, and I saw Atlas and went “who is that” and when I saw their PFP realized it’s the person I’ve been wolf reading all game

I’m saying that cause it’s funny, but also, damn

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its going down now but it was to a point where it hurt to breathe
never doing that again

I’m prob gonna not post much till tomorrow cuz I’m getting sleepy

Gn guys

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I don’t think it was planned at all which is why I’m suspecting them over it.

Night and mistys reaction images are the cutest thing ever btw


insert read about how pigeon is like when you show up to your new job and everyone else has coffee and youre just standing there awkwardly saying “work stuff yes”

…I don’t really follow.

wolf getting pushed on
strong wolf enters thread
agrees with read
pushes on scumread

rate this read /10

And in the break room he’s like “I t-think our coffee machine is broken”

I’ve considered changing my pfp, but if I’m going to change it to something it might be a little too different from regular pfp’s

Right, but that creates an associative to press. Generally wolves don’t do that when there’s so many other targets to push. In my experience, wolves prefer indirectly defending their partners.

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Also I’m not particularly focused on content currently, as I do not feel like it.

i keep on seeing “Galena” and reading “GGhana”
im not sure if im okay