Ciconia FM - Game Over - Order of the Public Bath Wins

Nothing else


oh okay i forgot about it then lol, i’ll look over that
what about galena

That was the one slot that stuck out to me as someone who I haven’t read yet but should. I’ll do that shortly.

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I also don’t have the D1 thread open currently, so I’ll have to do that as well for slots like Luxy.

Can’t catch up right now because I’m playing games with someone but I’ll be in thread for a bit then catch up etc

i wonder if wolf rue really makes this post at eod right before their team decides to anticlaim kill vulgard

I want to say something about the Alice night kill but it’s going to piss Wazza off because i will inevitably mention her name

And there’s not really a point in saying it in the hood chat

no go ahead

as long as it isn’t an association read with me or you trying to bring my slot back up to light, I don’t care

Well it might bring your slot back up to light even though it’s not really my focus, so I’ll just not bother

It would bring both you and Marl into question

Idk I’m done arguing with people in the thread and I don’tr really have motivation to do anything else today

go ahead then but it better be meaningful discussion that will actually help you.

/vote Luxy

I didn’t like their D1. Their reads weren’t particularly hard ones to make, and I don’t like their progression on Atlas and Wazza or their last-second Shurian vote.

Ok actually this is pointless, I did a dumb lol

My question was mainly just how and why you assumed that Alice could give control of her puppet to someone else

I wasn’t going to say you’re necessarily a wolf for it, but it never occurred to me until the hood chat opened and she said stuff that she could possibly give the puppet away, and the only other person who should’ve known about this was Marl

But I realized just now that I derped because it’s literally on Alice’s rolecard that flipped so kekw

when the rolecard is flipped

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Yeah as I said I did a dumb lol

Well that was pointless

The main reason I assumed Marl was because yesterday Alice was literally talking about confirming herself to Marl.

Although, I want to say one thing.

Did Alice mention any abilities the alt has?