Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full



Though, Astand does hate 3ps, so I donā€™t think heā€™d put it in his setup like this?

Last time I joined an astand game I went the entire game thinking there was a 3p but there wasnā€™t, there was just a massive red herring in the form of basically two town firefighter roles and no arsonist

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I am 3p lost wolf

Yeah, Astand intentionally puts a shit-ton of curveballs in his setups like this.

Wazza basically managed to endgame after non-stop openwolfing in one of the past games because many villagers kept hard defending them because they were a reviving role.

You can usually have a pretty good idea of what roles are in by reading the setup like how I basically instantly knew that Sulit/Manti were roles complimenting each other in Anni. Were I in this game Iā€™d probably ignore mech outright unless itā€™s something like IC/Masons/Checks.

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Like, they were defending a wolfmate because ā€œAstand would never give a newbie a wolf rolecard.ā€


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I got fake mech cleared in that game even though I was a wolf lol
Appelsiini accidentally bussed Gorta so I had to bus Appel, but then Seth and I endgame because I was fake cleared and Seth was Seth

How did you get fake mech-cleared?

Cause Gorta and I both would have gotten a godfather benefit if either of us had hammered or vigged the other, and our flavor names showed as green on each otherā€™s card

I wasnā€™t really using the color as an excuse so much as ā€œif I had known Gorta was Beatrice, I would have hammered him for my own benefitā€ but I did get cleared by town for the green name

So basically, donā€™t clear people unless theyā€™re greenchecked, ICs, or Masons.

And even in the case of Masons donā€™t let them endgame.



Iā€™m not making this an /in-formed spectator joke.
Iā€™m mentally preparing myself to get yeeted day 1.


Just saying that if the wolves win because people are falling for mech BS then Iā€™ll make a lengthy post-game rant >:^)


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If you all misyeet Vulgard then Iā€™ll rage at you all post-game as well.

I actually kinda want to rand town this time around to see if I forgot how to read people or not.


If you rand wolf, then just sub the fuck out. OwO

If I rand wolf Iā€™ll try bussing out of curiosity.

Saying this totally wonā€™t screw me over if I rand town and correctly case a wolf.

If I rand wolf Iā€™ll try not to bus for once

This will absolutely screw me over as either alignment