Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full



Iā€™ll reveal who Iā€™m an alt of only postgame. Although the specchat will likely know as soon as the game starts because Iā€™ve told the hosts that Iā€™m fine with the spectators knowing my main account.

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Apology accepted.

Youā€™re a secret player.

Weā€™ll be sure to do that.

Marl ~.^!!

Didnā€™t Osie review this setup?


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when i saw this was flagged i didnā€™t expect it to be the marnie copypastasauce



Mods here donā€™t know a good copypastasauce even if it hit them on the face.


Sees a good copypastasauce hit the mods in the face

Mods: What hit us?
Yup. Thatā€™s confirmed now.

Look, hereā€™s whatā€™s going to happen:

Weā€™re going to lynch someone, probably someone in the perceived lower half of skill level of the players in the game that had the most uninspired d1 by t0an and/or volume; hopefully weā€™re right.

The wolves are going to SPK someone, probably Marl if heā€™s a villager and/or has something that could be minimally construed as a correct fakepeek, and then some other $%#! may or may not happen and weā€™ll have NK/mechanical stuff to talk about.

Itā€™s hard to gin up enthusiasm when the real game isnā€™t actually going to start for the better part of 48 hours, and having Zori act like sheā€™s all clever for voting me because thereā€™s a 25% chance she could be right and have gotten in on the ground floor is just stupid, and itā€™s insulting that you think it would be at all productive regardless of my role.


this is signups yuno

is this the wrong page or something

I canā€™t believe this is happening.

Everyone is SHEEPING EACH OTHER. I thought this was a joke before, due to the amount of sheeping their was, but literally everyone on the wagon is sheeping except whomever Luxy said they were following (even though that person did not provide an explanation).

No argument has been presented.
No reasoning has been given.
No one has any idea why theyā€™re voting.

Guys, if there isnā€™t a reason to vote for someone, you shouldnā€™t vote on them

I know Iā€™m being a bit dramatic, but this is legitimately the dumbest lynch train Iā€™ve ever seen. It almost makes me want to shove it through for the lolz, but that would defeat the spirit of the game, so instead, Iā€™ll tell yā€™all this:

Donā€™t vote on somebody for no reason. Itā€™s dumb. Stop it. Hell, lynch me if you want, at least I have a couple of posts that people think are sus. Just donā€™t vote someone for no reason.


you guys are confusing me

Weā€™ve taken over the thread.

Now this is a shitpost thread instead of a signup thread.



Mafia was created by Dimitri Davidoff in 1986. Since then, there have been tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands Mafia games played throughout the world, in IRL, Forums, Video, Voice chat and more.

From all of these millions, billions, and even trillions Mafia games, there has not been a single town who has been more towny than Alice has been this game. Take that scumread back and be ashamed of yourself, son.


I like Yuno already.

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