Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full

Can you guys just chill with the alt shit

An actual newbie is gonna join and they’re just gonna get

“OWO alt?? Who are you :flushed:


That sounds about right honestly.

Sad but may end up true.

It wouldn’t surprise me either.

For the record ORANGEISMADLMAO was not allowed as my alt name for this game. Heartbroken


Try JoyKrabby

i’ll join this game if they let me use an acc called orangeandblack6 and I roleplay as orange

I was gonna join this game

but what

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I think that would definitely confuse people. Allow it mods!

and now there’s a 5th

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see: squirrel in gold rush (it mostly happened in spec chat but it did happen)


can I signup blacklist all alts

Rue is Mist. I don’t think Yuno and maybe Zero are alts as well, tho.


go away alt I don’t like alts

That literally happened to Red_Pandas lmao

tbf rue is outed

Pretty sure I’ve seen Rue somewhere before but I’m not sure.

YunoGasai is also apparently not a new player?

It’s mist’s alt from Umineko FM

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I already know who you re
