Ciconia FM: When They Cry - Signups (25/25) - Full

Fuck you

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Anyways I donā€™t see a rule discussion thread but uh

Mods how the hell are you planning to handle multi-game alts if an alt mod from one of their games is a player in another one???

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Like unless Iā€™m misunderstanding the idea behind like the, what is it now, sixth version of the system, I donā€™t see how we plan to work around that



half of our mods barely play itā€™s ok

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That doesnā€™t solve the issue

Up to said player if they want to play with someone who knows their identity image

All of us are respectful enough to not out their main if we know it, or use the knowledge against them


But what if the alt mod slips or subs in to a game the alt is in

Like obviously you arenā€™t going to abuse the knowledge intentionally but itā€™s still an uneven playing field

And for what

I donā€™t think weā€™ve had an alt mod slip before this and I doubt thatā€™ll change just because of this

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Meanwhile in anni

" i think dragma is emilia"

dragma: completely unrelated

meanwhile in elf mafiao




(the fact that dragma wasnā€™t even an FOL player was the funniest part of that whole bit tbh)


Host can still choose to not allow the alt if they want

Or the mod, for that matter

emilia had an alt originally named dragma renamed city

another completely unrelated person named dragma on MU joined anni and a mod said they thought it was emilia

so every FOLer in the game with emiliaā€™s alt city knew it was emilia but couldnā€™t say anything due to the old rules, it was painful

Letā€™s say host is fine with alts

Alt joins 2nd game, wants to be anon still

Another player subs out, alt mod from first game subs in


Does the alt have the right to make that alt mod not sub in?

orange have you ever played on MU

or MC

or anywhere else that allows alts

stuff like this happens
sometimes one person knows an altā€™s identity when nobody else does
its just a thing


this is true