Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

Unless somehow he had gotten a convert off tonight we were fucked anyways

Good pun.

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Thank you for dat

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Who do you think is Corax Marshal and Dat?

Ozz and kai, not gonna lie.
That rhymes.

But I think kai is coracolyte, and ozz is coraxleader.

And as for the convert, idk

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And I think I was sacrileged

Ozz Arete and Nap

Nap is dead replaced Mithras leader

Napoleon is dead :eyes:

Well then, maybe Jgoes due to my never ending post death tunnel. Still think Kai is pure

No one has claimed the ozz occ, am I correct?

Yeah i was thinking Ozz/Kai/Soul , but I donā€™t know who the convert would be of those 3

Arete didā€¦

Arete claimed it

Ah, yes

Post must be 10 carachters

Jgoes is convert at worse, he did take me out of chat

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I think either Jgo or Kai is evil, but Iā€™m thrown off by the idea of a newbie cultist claiming Noble and having a ā€œconfirmedā€ court spys on a cultist that he canā€™t be teammates with

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m considering healing him tonight, tbh.

He did CS me

Could you use my mercy to heal?

Just wondering