Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

Pick me pick me

Pick me, people said noble is important late game :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait I didnā€™t even know this was a thing

So tele is our priest or

Tele is our Priest and Mithras rolled Seeker with that Bloodā€™s Purity alt. And killed me with it.


thonk think thonk

So thatā€™s why we have to be careful.
Cult may get that benefit of ressing one of us.
If I get ressed I provide them a chat with dead members so I would think theyā€™d go for me.

If itā€™s BD then again I may be chosen. Noble isnā€™t a big threat until end of game because I cannot really self prove thus cult wouldnā€™t kill meā€¦ Probably.

At least Iā€™ve got WoW Classic to play. In a 3k queue. Itā€™s better than 12k.


Still in queue. :confused:

Oh jeeeeez

Thatā€™s tough

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You donā€™t get ressed, you just get a voice.

And you can control the person who ressed youā€™s vote.

True. I think that if cult wanted to give a voice theyā€™d give it to me :3
That is assuming that Ozz isnā€™t on their team.

I wonderā€¦ Would the vocally ressed player know who is on their side?

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Theyā€™d know the Priestā€™s alignment but I doubt theyā€™d know their partners.

Gotta head out for a bit chao

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Thatā€™d be fun. Playing communication with the priest.

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'Mhm, yes Tele. So who are our cĢ¶uĢ¶lĢ¶tĢ¶iĢ¶sĢ¶tĢ¶ Ģ¶pĢ¶aĢ¶rĢ¶tĢ¶nĢ¶eĢ¶rĢ¶s fellow BD that we need to trust?"

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If I was in the ā€˜priestā€™ perspective then Iā€™d probably crumble their names in. And a way for the resurrected to be able to find it.

You all assume I was executed by the Prince. smh. Just because they mentioned how theyā€™d HATE to see me executed.

Why is everyone completely ignoring the two people who havenā€™t posted at all

At least like tag them

Everyoneā€™s just letting it slide

Next time Iā€™m scum Iā€™ll keep in mind if I just lurk the whole game Iā€™ll get a free pass to victory

I donā€™t understand why people would lurk either way. Where is the fun in winning if you donā€™t do anything to achieve it?